Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy? Fathers Day

I won’t ever fully say I love father’s day. Not that I don't love my father, because I truly do, the whole day always feels weird to me though. So, here's how it starts... I picked out a card for my dad, $3.45 cents worth of creativity. I sat down to write in it. The... sentimental, guppy, love stuff. I wanted to be honest so I didn't just say, "Oh dad, you’re amazing, you’re just so great, and I just love you so much." I felt a weird bitterness. I couldn't say it was directly toward my dad, but I knew I was holding something against him. I feel like he has so much to learn, as well as I, but I get so frustrating thinking about all the times he's hurt my mom, or me and my sister. I know these things, according to the world, shouldn't even be brought up on such an important day like this. Then again, I would like to believe that I don't think the way the world does, fortunately. So, stuck in a hard place? I think so. This is kind of what I wrote, "Happy fathers day! I love you so much and I want you to know I'm proud to call you my dad. I can see that you are trying to understand mom and us girls and I am thankful. I love you." I meant every word. From my heart. I still can't seem to shake the idea that I was angered, bitter, frustrated, something, anyone? I can't pin point what I'm feeling about this situation. What I do know is that I am blessed by a father who is trying to become a man of God. Although sometimes I feel like he gives up and just doesn't want to try any more, I see his efforts occasionally. Is that wrong for me to examine him like that? Knowing fair well that I have flaws people can't even beginning to describe? Well. Caught right dead smack in the middle, isn't it wonderful. I will have to think more, but overall, I have an amazing father, that's for sure.
I give everything over to you Lord

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