Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The life of a modern hippie

Why is it, that the urban, 'unknown coffee shop' style of life is so appealing to this generation? I pled guilty though, because I have fallen into the dream of wanting to live in Washington or China and live the urban-rough-sheek lifestyle, as well. Listen to the 'not so trendy', but catchy, indie music. To shop at the thrift stores that typical people mark as garbage. To use a red umbrella while walking to work. To sit with just those 4 close friends at a dinner party in the shabby but beautiful duplex just a few blocks down from me. To have not much more then my computer, clothes, food, and my camera. To walk tall but not receive attention. To dance at my favorite underground spot with that one guy and that one girl, it's impersonal, we don't know each others names. Maybe one day I will steal the stage of the urban streets of L.A. or New York, or maybe I'll continue on my hot streak and stay the in the summer sun or Arizona. We'll see, now won't we!

I give everything over to you Lord


Shadows fallow me and dreams cry for my attention
Determination is the least I could do to balance my future

My other life, as they call it, seems to be deteriorating 
But my heart is still big enough for the things I take joy in

I complete one thing while another falls apart
I prayed for this, but I never saw it coming down to this. 

I am walking in the dreams I've asked my King for
I'm walking tall

I know my God
My God is a beautiful wonder 

But I am desperate to know Him deeper
To experience Him greater

I dance to the beat of music
But my soul dances to the beat of my Lord

I want to know my Father
I want to seriously KNOW my Father

I'm desperate
I've been told that desperation will lead to results

I give everything over to You Lord