Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Everything is slowly coming unhinged and I can't seem to grasp it. 
I feel my feet stock to the ground as I walk past it. 

I feel my hollow tears drip onto my lap.
I haven't made a sound though I feel like I'm trapped. 

Your elegant words are so catchy at first.
Believe me I almost bought it.
But I stand tall and I conquered because I'm the one who fought it.

No liquor drink can make my worth less valid
I've got support and I've got talent.

I feel this love, one I don't know if you'll ever feel
It rips at your body until all your insides are revealed. 

I'm being dramatic and my emotions are out of control
Said it, come on, I've heard it all before.

Next time don't try to full me, saying you're my "Best friend,"
Learn that you are just another one of those hurtful men.

Now from the outside, it may seem like I'm heartless
But I think you could testify cause your the one who broke it.

I give everything over to you Lord

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