Sunday, April 20, 2008


I'm ending my first year of school at SCC, and I have finals creeping up very quickly. In my English 102 class I am writing my final research paper on divorce. This is by choice. My first thinking was hey, it's easy, I know a good amount about divorce and I have some thoughts on how to prevent it. Granted I am not married and have not been through the trails and challenges marriage throws at you, but I thought I still had a pretty good idea of what I was getting myself into. WELL, I have had a rude awaking. Dismissing the fact that this is an assignment, I have learned about our society and the divorce rates of our world. It is so sad. I have read that the reason from a huge amount of divorces is because the couples had lived with each other before wedlock. It is sad to see percentages and numbers increasing as the years go on. It has put slight fear on the thought of my marriage in the future. Of course, divorce for me is not an option. I see the positive things about marriage as well, don't get me wrong. It's just that it is very evident that losing hope in your marriage is easy. What I also see as a postive thing about marriage is the rewards and blessing marriages will get if enough time is spend on building their relationship through the Lord. God is good! This was just a quick blog to spit out my thoughts, I need to go back and finish my outline for the paper!!!

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