Life sometimes gets to a point where it's to crazy to write, when your still right in the middle of it. Well, I may not be all the way out of the craziness, but I can see some clarity and some hope. Some! I am beginning a journey that will last a life time, not because of anyone or anything, but because God's grace of showing Himself to me in a new light. Yes, in fact He, my Father, has used people and situations, and I'm beyond thankful.
I have been learning, and always will be learning, what true forgiveness looks like, what true love looks like, what true redemption looks like, what true happiness looks like, and what true help looks like. I feel so jaded, for all these years, never seeing God in such a raw, real, relevant way. Although I'm blessed now, that I'm getting to see Him in this beautiful light. I just realized that I'm making this sound "Happy Ever After" like, and it will be a happily ever after, but it's not always so happy in the times where I have to show true forgiveness, or true love, or redemption, happiness, or lend a hand that is meant to truly help. Worth it though, I must add.
I've seen so many intricate details about God that leads me to more and more and more and more, and then my mind literally can't handle His power and how heavily this world should be worshiping Him, He's worthy.
I've learned new, wonderful life long lessons, but I learned through tears and pain, heartbreak and vulnerability, anger and anxiety, depression and devastation, loneliness and abandonment, and all those wonderful things led me to be crushed and destroyed. It's a dark, scary place, where I slept a lot of nights, managed to function through the day, and walked around with every intention or riding my car off the freeway into a ditch. Reality check, the devil is a conniving corrupter.
I'm seeing now, in small quantities, glimpse's of hope, freedom, redemption, and LIFE! I'm seeing a new, refreshing life. Well, I suppose not really a new life, but a new perspective and outlook. I've heard that 10% is your situation and 90% is how you react. That's true, I really think if your able to control how you react then that's excellent, (not always possible), but it sounds good!
My thoughts met gravity and the splattered all over this page, hopefully it's not to much in shambles. Enjoy the thoughts that requires a real life to be lived.
I give everything over to You Lord