We welcomed the darling Jemma Sophia Starks into the world Tuesday, October 8th at 5:22! A beautiful little girl that makes me so proud to be called aunt. There is nothing quite like the birth of a new baby and the celebration that surrounds the gift of life. The full head of dark hair and the puffy little cheeks brings the biggest smile to my heart. I was able to wrap her up in my arms, kiss her, talk to her, and tell her how much she's loved. Our sweet Jemma Sophia has no idea how many fans she has. Any baby born into our family becomes quite popular... quite fast! Jemma, you are brilliant!

Although we continue to celebrate the gift we call Jemma, there were some complications that occurred the day after her birth. Wednesday the 9th, in the morning, Rory and Stephanie, her parents, noticed that she was having a difficult time breathing. They sent a video clip to their midwife and she immediately responded and said, "Call 911." So they did, and the newly born Jemma was rushed to the hospital. I wasn't there upon their arrival, but my dad described it like a sense out of a movie. A security guard handed my brother Rory (Jemma's Dad) and my dad visitor badges to go into the NICU. They walked in the room to find 20 doctors and nurses running around getting Jemma oxygen, hooking her up to IV's and making sure they wasted no time with stabilizing her. Rory and my dad couldn't even see Jemma because there were so many people surrounding her. To call the scenario "intense," would be an understatement.
Doctors said that they like to see people's oxygen levels around 90% and when Jemma was first brought into the ER, her oxygen levels were around 20%. She was not in good condition. Not everything has been figured out and they are still running several scans and tests, but they have concluded that she has a severe heart defect and will need surgery this week. We are praying against any long term affects. We don't want any seizures to occur now or in the future due to her time spent with such little oxygen. The most beautiful little doll has been through some much in her 2 1/2 short days of life. I believe she will make a full recovery and be completely healed. The doctors said she will have heart surgery in about a week and she will need to spend three more weeks recovering in the hospital. Needless-to-say, Rory and Stephanie and our families will be spending days and weeks and months in the hospital to ensure that our Little Jemma Sophia is made whole again! If you think about it, pray for everyone surrounding the situations; Jemma's parents, the doctors, India and Olive {Jemma's older sisters}, all the aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents. We all would appreciate your love and support through prayer. So if you think about... Pray! We are very grateful for the blessing and joy Jemma Sophia has brought to all of our lives. Even in the midst of the chaos, she is beautiful, strong, and has officially melted all of our hearts. As her older sister calls her, "We love you Princess Jemma!"
I give everything over to You Lord

Although we continue to celebrate the gift we call Jemma, there were some complications that occurred the day after her birth. Wednesday the 9th, in the morning, Rory and Stephanie, her parents, noticed that she was having a difficult time breathing. They sent a video clip to their midwife and she immediately responded and said, "Call 911." So they did, and the newly born Jemma was rushed to the hospital. I wasn't there upon their arrival, but my dad described it like a sense out of a movie. A security guard handed my brother Rory (Jemma's Dad) and my dad visitor badges to go into the NICU. They walked in the room to find 20 doctors and nurses running around getting Jemma oxygen, hooking her up to IV's and making sure they wasted no time with stabilizing her. Rory and my dad couldn't even see Jemma because there were so many people surrounding her. To call the scenario "intense," would be an understatement.

I give everything over to You Lord
Oh crying as I read this ... will pray.
I know, Brenda, it's been such an emotional whirlwind. God is good all the time, so we are believing for complete healing and miracles! Thank you for your prayers!
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