So maybe the 'something' that captures your eyes and pulls at your heart is the exact thing that keeps it beating. The stroke of beauty that leaves you completely mesmerized and entranced in the realm of the unknown. Love. Everyone seems to kick and push and fight for a fearless, romantic, and captivating love. When was love something we had to work for. Isn't love the sweetest and freest gift possible. Let's be honest, of course it can be hard to give and sometimes harder to receive, but love covers every wrong. I suppose we wouldn't know what love felt like if we had yet to experience the depth's of loneliness. The night's when you look at the ceiling and realize the agonizing longing for that one chance to be completely engulfed in love. Drowning in the purest, refreshing love. It's almost humorous in the way we long for love so deep. So passionate. This love doesn't necessarily come through a touch or kiss, it's something that goes beyond what everyone has defined love to be. It is the opposite of what this loveless world has settled for. Possibly striving for something more then the average, "I love you," can lead you to the most rewarding fulfillment you've ever achieved. Can you feel the hollowness when you step foot in front of screaming fans? Or is the screaming fans the drug that keeps you going? Or perhaps the closes thing you've felt to love. Your body shuts down from this constant drive to feel and fulfill the gap between happiness and depression. No human can ever satisfy that need. It's discouraging, but life's not always going to blow kisses. Facing your enemy loneliness can lead you on two paths so completely different then each other. You can let the lies of loneliness over take you, bury you alive, stealing every remanence of thrill and excitement that once filled your lungs. Remember when you could almost feel love running through your veins, straight to the rhythmic pounding of your heart? Or, you have the chance, while being along, to really get to know you. The deepest parts of your heart, your emotions, the thing that makes you a complete masterpiece. What's the one thing you need to know about yourself that will completely soften the internal and external facade you've defined yourself as? A false, superficial, and artificial appearance of love will never withstand the hardships of life. Love. Genuine. Real. Breathtaking. Peaceful. Speechless. Intriguing. Powerful. I suppose the question might be "Who put this desire for love within me. The desire that keeps me chasing after it with such fervor and diligence?"
I give everything over to You Lord
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