Let’s get to the magical part! I have some pretty ambitious goals for my career and personal achievements within the workforce. But if you would have told me 6 years ago, that I’d be where I am, on this flight, I would have been wide-eyed and terrified. When I decided to go to college I had a good idea that I wanted to get my degree in something creative and technology based. I love art and I love computers. Perfect, right?! Well, there was a degree that just opened at Arizona State University, it
was brand new and they only offered it online, they didn’t provide on campus classes. After looking into some of the courses I decided it aligned with where I saw myself in the future, plus I knew the digital world was growing and changing, so I felt like it was a great fit.
My last 6 months at that company, I had gotten married, moved into our new apartment and felt a nudge in my spirit that it was time for my next endeavor. To be honest, it was in year two of working there that I started getting restless and sick of working in a really tough environment. From sexual harassment, being underpaid, and being more than micromanaged (if that’s a thing), it was tough to stick around. But I never felt like I wasn’t released from that job, until my last 6 months. It was a strong urge to leave and a desire to push myself to greater things.
The second company I applied for ended up being a winner! It was a lovely office in Downtown Phoenix with a cool culture and great people. I was ecstatic to join an agency and a team of young, intelligent digital marketers. I spent the next two and a half years learning more about paid and organic social advertising. I bumped my hourly rate to $15 bucks (or so) and felt like I hit the lottery. Well, compared to the position I had previously. Still not ideal, but it was better and I was grateful. I grew exponentially, I was challenged, and I had even more direction and clarity about the next steps I wanted to take in my career. Over the course of those two digital marketing job, there were times where I cried to my husband, about feeling underappreciated, underpaid and unsettled with where I was. But I knew that’s where I needed to be, I knew I needed those jobs, for my confidence, my experience and my personal growth in the corporate world.

By the end of our conversation, Bryan casually asked if I was looking to switch jobs or if I was interested in applying at their company. I was totally caught off guard, and I awkwardly stumbled over my words and I tried to explain that I wasn’t actively looking to switch jobs but that I was interested. He stated something that I will forever remember. He said, “We love to hire intelligent people like yourself.” Like MYSELF? What! I was totally taken aback. Especially for someone who struggles with confidence and feeling inadequate in just about everything I do. (Don’t worry folks, I’m working on it!) From our 45 min chat, he sparked a little flame in my spirit. Maybe this was the answer to my prayers, questions, and future career goals.

After officially getting the job, signing papers and putting my resignation at my previous job, I was told that there were 250 applicants for the position I got. The most applicants they had received for any job opening, ever, at their company. So many that they ended up closing the job posting. They said I was in the top 3 based on education and job experience. This is still so crazy to me, guys! I still laugh at the thought that somehow, as I was flipping through paperwork back in 2008 trying to select a bachelor’s degree, that it would have led me to this very moment, years later. I’ll take a few butt bumps by the bathroom lavatory if it means it gets me closer to my career goals. I am barely scratching the surface of my dreams, but goodness, I never thought it’d feel this good. It’s been tiresome at times, and confusing, but I couldn’t have planned this better, through the questions, tears, accomplishments, and frustrations, I am one step closer baby!
Stay faithful. You are seen.
Work hard and keep grinding.
But at the end of the day, listen to the spirit inside you, it will guide you better than any plans you could conjure up.
And here is my final encouragement to you… Wait for the right moment to move on. Do your best to end things well, in your job, in your relationships or just in life situations. How you end one season is usually how you start a new one. Don’t burn bridges, give people respect and by all means, be kind. You never know how opportunities in the future will find their way back in your life, so be nice and laugh a lot!
Sheena West
Wow. Awesome Sheen!!
To proud and excited for you friend :D
- Michael Gross
Thank you so much Michael! ❤️
You are the epitome of hard-work, loyalty and talent. Love what God is doing and excited for you as you embark on this new adventure!
Thank you Kimberly. You have always been so encouraging on my journey. Such a gift to have you in my life. And yay for great jobs!
Freaking love you! a
Ah. Freaking LOVE you more. And miss you lots!
You frickn legend! - Josue
Thanks so much Jouse! I really appreciate it!
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