Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Art Of Transparency

I decided to put together some footage of times I filmed myself when I was really vulnerable. I have been going through some difficult times in life and instead of shrinking back, I really wanted to speak up. I wanted to express that going through hardships in life isn't easy and often times it makes you question things. & That's okay! But I have been trying to find the beauty in the midst of pain. I hope to inspire you to be honest and transparent in your own life. As hard as it is, there is so much freedom that comes with being open!

I'd love to hear your feedback, questions, or similar situations that you're facing. Post a comment below so I can hear from you! 

I give everything to You Lord 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Painfully Beautiful

Its been a journey... 
An up and down, winding round kinda process. This life. My life. 

Through this post I will try to remain completely vulnerable and open to the honest truth about where my life currently stands and the craziness that encompasses it! Some days I want to laugh because my life always goes in a different direction then I thought it would. Then there are other days that I struggle to stay motivated and positive. These next 4 months of my life were supposed to look so different then they are turning out to be. These months were suppose to be a time of joy and celebration, a totally new chapter and season of my life. Well, lets just say that I am definitely in a new chapter and season of life, except it's just not the one I planned on. It's not bad, just really different. Through this really hard time I've been facing, I have seen a lot of blessings. Blessings I totally could have overlooked, but instead I now get to enjoy. There has been people in my life that have shared a word of encouragement and truth at just the right time. It fills my soul. When my life seemed to be falling apart and when I felt like I was the only one who's heart has ached this bad... I know I am not alone. I am NOT alone! It is beautiful. Simply beautiful.

So as I daily face this new and often times difficult process, I try to keep my head up, so I don't miss what is going on in the world around. I feel as though this stage in my life, this very stepping stone, is something I need to walk through in order to get where I need to go in my future. My motto has been, "Stay faithful in the small and expectant for the big." This short phrase encapsulates my outlook on life. I try my best to remain consistent and faithful in the everyday things I do and the relationships I am involved in. In hopes of not overlooking what is right in front of me. Instead making sure I am focusing on doing my everyday life well, while other doors are opened in the process.

I don't think I have questioned so many things in my life as I have these past few months. I have almost questioned everything. It has been a painfully beautiful journey. Because through this time, I have become more secure in what I believe and the things I stand for. In the midst of me questioning my life and the world around me, I have found answers, not to everything I long to understand, but enough answers to know that I am on the right path, I am heading in the right direction.

I truly love and desire to inspire and impact the people I come in contact with. I desire to share my life, with honesty, in hopes of connecting with others on a very authentic level. I want to meet people where they are at in life. Not to be critical or judgmental, but to give others the freedom to be transparent with their life. In the pain and in the beauty.

You are free to struggle, to question and to want to give up. It doesn't make you any less of who you are called to be. It is simply just a reminder that you aren't finished growing and being refined. You are brilliant.

I give everything to You Lord

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Girl On Fire - Alicia Keys

I have a passion that has been set on fire, a calling that is great, and a heart of expectancy! I dance in the midst of pain, and in the presence of joy. I smile not because of my circumstances but in-spite of my circumstances. This girl is on fire... even when I feel like my flame is going dim.

I give everything to You Lord