I don't know if trying to try is good enough, but, I'm trying never the less. My sister is sometime the least person I can count on, and yet at the same time, she's the only person I CAN count on. Yes, I'm still TRYING to figure it out as well. I feel like if it weren’t for me she would never get out, never smile, and have fun. Nothing that I do necessarily, I just like getting out, smiling, and having fun, so it rubs off on her. But at the same time, she still is a hard nut to crack. I've asked her so many times to go out with me and hang out with me, but she is always doing homework, to tired, doesn't want to, hanging out with her boyfriend, has to work, to busy, has to hang out some girls from the youth, has a meeting for youth, or my favorite, "I JUST CAN'T SHEENA." So from now on, I think I am going to pull back, not ask, maybe that will work, why am I working so hard for her to hang out with me. Her focus is on everyone else, everything else. I write freely knowing she won't read this because she's to busy to read my Blog, she just to busy Sheena, it's not that your not worth her time or that your not important enough.... or maybe that's it. She makes me shut off, bottle up, and keep it in. I don't know if trying to try is good enough, but I'm trying never the less. She's still my best friend. My best friend
I give everything over to you Lord
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