Thursday, January 1, 2009


I've learned that dreaming is meant for even those who don't think they can dream. 
I questioned my existence
And then questioned my existence again
I broke down in the face of temptation and gave into this world
But now, I stand tall, I no longer shake for my enemy 
I've been set free from captivities life had on me
I'm still breaking other bonds, and it's funny, but I can only see the sight of success
I've been ripped, stretched, pulled, and pushed to accomplish things I didn't think my hands could do, things I never thought my lips could utter
I know the meaning of friends, and still love the ones I lost
I have had shivers sent down my spine
I had some of the hardest decisions in my life stare me straight in the eyes
I have been shown what forgiveness looks like and I've had the opportunity to show forgiveness 
I know how to make new friends, and I enjoy the occasional stranger run in's
Surprisingly, I have soften my heart in many ways
And in other ways I feel like there is granite beating beneath my chest
Being taught that daddy on earth fails compared to the Daddy in Heaven 
I've learned how to identify with my feelings when I am effected by something
I truly learned that I don't want to take my best friends for granted 
Rory, Steph, B, Rae, little Luke, Dan, Katelyn, Allison, Jessica, Louis, Jenelle, Ashley, Kenneth, Danielle, and to anyone else I forgot, I appreciate you beyond belief 
I appreciate my mom, the joy, the lessons, the good example, her willing heart, her beautiful mind, her talented hands, her eagerness to serve, her dedication as a wife, her care for each of her kids.. and those kids who aren't even hers, I am a blessed daughter. 
I learned that I would give up sleep to have late night conversations on the phone with people  
I'm in the process of becoming a better friend, a better daughter, a better sister, a better child that's seeking after her Fathers heart

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