Between managing school, dance, boyfriend, church and youth, cleaning up my fair share of the house, living with three other women who have equally as much to worry and cry about, it seems that taking a breath would waste to much time.
While my head spins in a downward spiral my body decides, "hey, not a bad idea!" Now, I'm sick. I have glans the size of gulf balls, nose that won't come unplugged, and my favorite-- bed ridden because of cramps. Sorry to be so graphic, but let's be real, sometimes life just happens that way. It never seizes to amaze me though, how life happens all at the same time... every time!
Now, don't get me wrong, I know this wedding of my sisters is going to be an absolutely joyous occasion but from the preparation of family flying in, to their actual arrive, to the last minute studying, it's a bit overwhelming to say the least! Also, just because I thought it might be nice to stay sane during the wedding I need to make sure that I'm emotionally, mentally, and physically prepared as well. Sounds extreme but I know for a fact it is necessary.
Daniel and I have been pulled and stretched to grow during this whole thing but it just adds so much tension not being able to hang out without thinking about the three page to-do list tucked away in my back pocket. I just want to spend time with him. Also his birthday is coming up fast and I want to make it special but it's so hard when his birthday is on the same day as we wedding rehearsal. I'm just one girl. This is hard.
I'm fearful to admit that I've been relying on my own strength but unfortunately, I have been. It's so hard not to get into that list mentality and just simply try to check everything off a list. I know this is just days in my vapor of a life, but I continually get to the edge of my breaking point and stare it straight in the eyes. I need a vacation!
I give everything over to You Lord -- Or at least I'm trying too