Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Love Building Memories

This girl means more to me then she'll ever know. Throughly a blessing! 

I give everything over to You Lord


Ashley said...

I love you so much too Sheen!!! You are practically more than a cousin to me; a sister and a best friend. I miss you!! <3

Sheena Christine West said...

Completely agreed!
We get the best of all world! Cousins, best friends, sisters, and future business partners! Love you darling beauty!

Ashley Yeck said...

Hey Sheeners, I'm using my blog again on blogger and not my tumblr. So if you want, on your links, you can change my tumblr to this one:

It's the same one I've used before. I just feel like writing on it again instead of my tumblr because well, my blogger has history I guess you can say :)

Sheena Christine West said...

Cool! I'll check that one from now on! Loves you! & & &, I'll always be here for you! ALWAYS! : )