Monday, August 16, 2010

These Day's Of Mine

I posted Friday how my parents went out of town for a week, and it's proving to be quite an eventful week thus far. It always seems like everything falls apart when the parents go out of town. Now, why is that?!

Woke up, ate left over french toast that I made for breakfast Sunday morning and then threw some laundry in the washer before 12:00. My mother has trained me well, you know those darn peek hours! My best friend slash boy friend has been really sick so I got him and went to urgent care because he needed antibiotics. The cost for his visit would have been 120 dollars with an online coupon given to him from the nice older women working behind the dest. Although, Dan's check from work hadn't gone through all the way so he didn't have enough to pay for his visit. So without being seen Dan and I went to the health food store to try to kill his virus the natural way. We go up to the juice bar and ask for a 2oz shot of wheat grass, and to are amusement they were all out of wheat grass. Wonderful! So, we got back in my 110 degree car and headed over to whole foods. We were able to get two 2oz wheat grass shots and headed back home. My sister, Rachel, and Dan's brother, Luke, are married, and God laid on their heart to save money for someone, they didn't know who, but they obeyed. We shared how Dan couldn't see the doctor because with no insurance and his check not going through he simply didn't have enough money. Rach and Luke, being such generous givers, told Dan that they felt led to give him the money they were saving and surprise, surprise it was enough for the doctors visit and the prescription. What a blessing, right?

I sat back and watched how the obedience that Rachel and Luke had to the Lord ended with such an amazing blessing. Family! It's a beautiful thing!

So, as Dan and I ran back to urgent care, waited a lovely hour and a half, saw the doctor and paid his dues and we went on our way to Safeway. Put his prescription in and shopped for dinner. Got the food, paid, picked up the prescription and finally arrived home. The sweet help of my sister aloud me not to worry about the dogs being fed, or the dishes being washed, she knew the stress I've been under and totally lifted a burden off.

So I threw together a caesar salad, made Dan some chicken broth and added some plain noodles from the dinner I made the night before and we had three full tummies in no time! After dinner my sister and I walked the dogs and somehow I ended up here, at 10:17 writing. Phew!

It has been a busy day, a long, tiring, busy day. I am still worrying about how I'm going to handle adding school into the mix. But dear God, You know me best, please just suit my needs for the days ahead. I know You will. I love you, keep my parents safe.

I give everything over to You Lord

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