Have you ever tried something that you are terrified of? Have you jumped into something with the hopes of it turning out well, but never truly seeing the end result? But you've decided to trust that maybe, just maybe, something great could happen.
I have embarked on a new adventure this year that has left me nervous, excited, and inspired. I have started my own business. This thought of becoming my own boss hasn't been a random, flippant thought. It has been years in the making, even when I didn't see it, so to say I'm surprised that I have decided to pursue my own business venture would be a lie. At a ripe 24 years of age, I made my mind to create and build a business that helps engage people into the mission and vision of companies. When I decided that this was the direction I wanted to go, I didn't just quit my "day job," and run into an open field and frolic in success. Instead, I knew that building a business is a process that has many different steps involved. Here are some of the thoughts I have been implementing:
1} Make a Plan
Before starting your own business, it would be a good idea to have a plan! Seems almost comical to say, but having a plan that is sketched out will help you stay focused and keep you on target with your goals. Don't quit your current job when you have no foundation to fall back on. I know some people can get over zealous and decide they want to quit everything to pursue their new business. (And I am sure that has worked for some) I have found that it is wiser to build your own business while having some steady income to take care of living expenses. You don't want to start a company that is birthed out of stress or begging clients for their business because you are in desperate need of money. I don't ever want to get into a place where I feel like I "need" my clients money. I want to be able to help build businesses and be paid for the work I accomplish for them. Decide, early on, what you want your company to look like and how you want it to be presented. Set goals that can be accomplished in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Think ahead and stay on top of what is happening in your industry so that you can become the leading resource for information and innovation.
2} Make an Investment
Make sure you are investing into your company, just as much as you want others to. What type of products or partnerships are going to help you lay the best foundation for your business. For me, I designed and ordered my Business Cards, I bought a new Apple computer, the Square Card Reader, pens, notebooks to take notes and write down miles in my car, a receipt carrier for future tax purposes, Adobe computer software for designing, and I purchased social media programs that help me manage my clients accounts. So I made an investment into my company! Over $2,000 to start my business. But I needed each of those things on the list in order to truly reach the people I want to reach. So what are you doing to invest into your company - it may not look like a financial investment, it could look like an investment of time spent researching or time spend working on different projects. Do the things you hate first, and make an investment that will produces long term benefits. It's worth it!
3} Build Relationships
I can't stand companies that are built off of fake smiles and fluffed up rhetoric, in order to obtain people's money. I just won't create that kind of business for myself. I value people and relationships too much. I won't fake meaningless relationships for the sake of obtaining new business. I want to build something that brings true joy and accomplishment, and to me, that is through truly great connections with people. When you have great relationships with people, you will find that it is easier to partner with them and to understand what their business does and how you can help.
4} Stay Persistent
For me, this ties into number 3. When you are building relationships with people, because you authentically care, doors will naturally open. So stay focused on who your target audience is, engage in their world, find out ways to connect on different levels, and don't be scared if someone tells you "no!" Take a "no" as "not today." This will help you stay persistent in pursuing and building networking connections with people. If you're like me, when you hear "No" and you automatically feel denied and stop desiring to connect with that person on a business level. I don't want to get in a habit of that. When I pursue building a relationship with someone, as a potential new client, and if they decline to not do business with me, I want to take their "no" and ask myself "why?" This will only help me become more refined and better equipped to serve the people I work with.
5} Do Something That Scares You Everyday
Want to stay away from a stagnant business? Try doing something that scares you, everyday! This will help you reach new heights, accomplish things that seem out of reach, and it will open doors that you otherwise would have missed. I am still learning how to not let fear drive my decisions. Nobody wants a "safe" way of living - sure it can feel comfortable, but it will never let you reach your full potential. The things that scare you can seem totally ridiculous - I'll be honest with some of mine. I get scared to send a potential client a quote for how much my services will cost. (I literally have to amp myself up before sending it) I get scared that my business will turn out to be a complete disaster, so I don't tell many people about it. I am scared of "failing," so I walk on egg shells when I really should be thinking of ideas on how to walk on the moon. These fears can seem so silly and so trivial to some, but they are my battles to conquer. So as I figure out how to maneuver through my hangups, I encourage you to do the same!
I am happily pursuing a dream of mine - with all the ups and downs, I will stay focused on my goals and work hard! Cheers to being a young entrepreneur and congratulations to all the other young and successful business people!
I give everything over to You Lord
I have embarked on a new adventure this year that has left me nervous, excited, and inspired. I have started my own business. This thought of becoming my own boss hasn't been a random, flippant thought. It has been years in the making, even when I didn't see it, so to say I'm surprised that I have decided to pursue my own business venture would be a lie. At a ripe 24 years of age, I made my mind to create and build a business that helps engage people into the mission and vision of companies. When I decided that this was the direction I wanted to go, I didn't just quit my "day job," and run into an open field and frolic in success. Instead, I knew that building a business is a process that has many different steps involved. Here are some of the thoughts I have been implementing:
1} Make a Plan
Before starting your own business, it would be a good idea to have a plan! Seems almost comical to say, but having a plan that is sketched out will help you stay focused and keep you on target with your goals. Don't quit your current job when you have no foundation to fall back on. I know some people can get over zealous and decide they want to quit everything to pursue their new business. (And I am sure that has worked for some) I have found that it is wiser to build your own business while having some steady income to take care of living expenses. You don't want to start a company that is birthed out of stress or begging clients for their business because you are in desperate need of money. I don't ever want to get into a place where I feel like I "need" my clients money. I want to be able to help build businesses and be paid for the work I accomplish for them. Decide, early on, what you want your company to look like and how you want it to be presented. Set goals that can be accomplished in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Think ahead and stay on top of what is happening in your industry so that you can become the leading resource for information and innovation.
2} Make an Investment

3} Build Relationships
I can't stand companies that are built off of fake smiles and fluffed up rhetoric, in order to obtain people's money. I just won't create that kind of business for myself. I value people and relationships too much. I won't fake meaningless relationships for the sake of obtaining new business. I want to build something that brings true joy and accomplishment, and to me, that is through truly great connections with people. When you have great relationships with people, you will find that it is easier to partner with them and to understand what their business does and how you can help.
4} Stay Persistent
For me, this ties into number 3. When you are building relationships with people, because you authentically care, doors will naturally open. So stay focused on who your target audience is, engage in their world, find out ways to connect on different levels, and don't be scared if someone tells you "no!" Take a "no" as "not today." This will help you stay persistent in pursuing and building networking connections with people. If you're like me, when you hear "No" and you automatically feel denied and stop desiring to connect with that person on a business level. I don't want to get in a habit of that. When I pursue building a relationship with someone, as a potential new client, and if they decline to not do business with me, I want to take their "no" and ask myself "why?" This will only help me become more refined and better equipped to serve the people I work with.
5} Do Something That Scares You Everyday
Want to stay away from a stagnant business? Try doing something that scares you, everyday! This will help you reach new heights, accomplish things that seem out of reach, and it will open doors that you otherwise would have missed. I am still learning how to not let fear drive my decisions. Nobody wants a "safe" way of living - sure it can feel comfortable, but it will never let you reach your full potential. The things that scare you can seem totally ridiculous - I'll be honest with some of mine. I get scared to send a potential client a quote for how much my services will cost. (I literally have to amp myself up before sending it) I get scared that my business will turn out to be a complete disaster, so I don't tell many people about it. I am scared of "failing," so I walk on egg shells when I really should be thinking of ideas on how to walk on the moon. These fears can seem so silly and so trivial to some, but they are my battles to conquer. So as I figure out how to maneuver through my hangups, I encourage you to do the same!
I am happily pursuing a dream of mine - with all the ups and downs, I will stay focused on my goals and work hard! Cheers to being a young entrepreneur and congratulations to all the other young and successful business people!
I give everything over to You Lord
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