The words we speak, they are more than "just words."
The words that we speak are capable of crushing a heart, tearing a friendship to shreds, the words that we wish we can take back, but it's to late, those words. The ones that cause harm and not help. We can change those words to encouragement. Don't get me wrong, we can't take back what has already be said, but we can change the way we say things in the future. Reinforce positivity. Yeah, not heard much, but needed. Shouldn't we be speaking things that lift people upward and onward making them wonder what we have, as Christians, to be speaking such powerful and helpful things. I want to strive to be like Barnabas the man that through life he was seen as an encourager. Strive. Aw, I for some reason just fell in love with that word. I want to strive to be an encouragement to people, and in situations, when encouragement is most needed. This apply to my job, those customers that I honestly could find nothing good, those are the ones I need to pick out the good in and encourage past the frustration. I am desiring to make encouragement a life style, not something that comes in and out of season. I noticed that I can live a life based on situations, but I long to live a fresh life basing nothing on what has happened to me in the past, but basing everything on the new chance of being an encourager. Think about it this way... What if someone came to you needing hope, grace, love, ENCOURAGEMENT, and you decided to snap at them because you were living in your flesh. Truly think about that. Possibly the only chance a person will encounter a Christian man or woman of God and you don’t FEEL encouraging, so you just snap. Lord forgive me please for falling into that way of life day after day. Forgive me for not always showing You in me. You will know when you've reached the level of true encouragement when you go from being beaten, bruised, broken, and lied to, then placed in a new situation and your able to encourage. That is a place I'd love to reach. I guess you could call it a life goal. I want to, purely out of reaction, see the potential in people not the apparent flaws. It is very easy, sometimes, to pick out the negative in people, the challenge comes from picking out the positive and ENCOURAGING. Look hard to find what God has placed in everyone that surrounds you. It's hard not to let discouragement make you step back. I want to learn not to be so caddy because I am dealing with things. Make a goal for yourself. Try being more than semi civil. I crave to be more than that, crave, I have fallen in love with that word as well. Think, if words could be physical bruises, how many people would be walking around with bruised bodies. Every time I encourage I want to be shaping the way for my eternity. My words, the ones that fill the pages of my Blog, I pray they point to the Lord, in everything I do, and in everything I say. The things that are whispered are still heard, the carelessly uttered words still mean something.
And I'll sing, and I'll sing, cause of your great love. And I'll sing.
Taking the time to write out my inspirations, to encourage others through my words & to be transparent about real challenges I face. I will write about the days that don't seem note-worthy because I want to always see beauty in the ordinary. I find myself in a new adventure everyday and it is here that I attempt to put it into words. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
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