The thing that keeps me going is tearing me apart. MY HEART.
There is a boy I've grown up with, and shared, well, a good 7 years of my life with.
Best Friends.
No Friends.
Okay fine, Friends.
Now God has given me some peace with letting go. Although it's impossible to just drop it and wipe away the past.
Well.. For some of us
I guess I can understand how someone who knows there doing something wrong does it anyway. But I really can't at the same time. So heartless. So selfish. So hurtful. Believe me, I'm not a picture of perfection, I know that much, but I know when I'm crushing someone’s heart, I stop, not keep stabbing it relentless amounts of times.

Anxiety. Anger. Abandoned. Alone. Ashamed. Afflicted. Blank. Bruised. Broken. Beaten. Betrayed. Crushed. Cold. Crazy. Crap. Crippled. Cheerless. Dumb. Deserted. Dumped. Desecrated. Desperate. Drowning. Detached. Depressed. Degraded. Dry. Distressing. Ditched. Daunted. Empty. Emotionless. Effortless. Fear. Friendless. Fights. Falling. Failed. Flesh. Frozen. Gross. Gloomy. Garbage. Grief. Hopeless. Heartless. Hated. Haunted. Heartbreaking Hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Heavy. Horrible. Ignored. Invisible. Inadequate. Impossible. Irrelevant. Impassive. Irrational. Jerk. Jeopardized. Killed. Lonely. Lost. Last. Limp. Lame. Left. Miserable. Mistreated. Meaningless. Mean. Mad. Mocked. Nothing. Neglected. Narrow. Nailed. Numb. Nerd. Never. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Opposed. Opened. Ongoing. Poor. Pissed. Passed. Poignant. Quiet. Retarded. Relentless. Restrained. Rude. Ripped. Raw. Scared. Scared. Simple. Servant. Selfish. Sad. Shallow. Separate. Second. Shafted. Shoved. Teased. Tortured. Trampled. Tested. Torun. Trash. Tough. Unloved. Unchanged. Unworthy. Uncared. Unhappy. Unaffected. Unsatisfied. Unfortunate. Unemotional. Unbelievable. Vent. Visionless. Worthless. Wrong. Waited. Wait. Wrecked. Wilting. Yuck. Yell. You. Yours. Zero. Zilch.
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