Tuesday, June 10, 2008


As the days seem longer and strength seems lessened.
I am facing the finishing touches on the youth building. The youth building I have literally put blood sweat and tears into. I am so ready to be done, but at the same time, God wants me right where I am. I can feel it. I have been going through so many emotional ups and down's I have neglected to really write anything of value. In case of an emotional break down on my Blog. No good. I am feeling alright, dead tired from all the work I've been doing, but I see myself slowly, very slowly, coming into myself again. I am thankful that I have the capability to work with paint and artsy little things, God blesses me, although I have to work hard at it, he gives me chances to do what I love. I am still trying to be a prime example for people. Although I fail. I keep pushing for greatness. I want to pick out the little things again, that made me so happy like... a week ago. Before the madness at the youth group started. I would be thankful for the littlest things, not that I don't feel the same way, but I am trying to see the little things past the huge task of finishing the youth rooms, planning for youth summer camp, working at 5am every morning, cleaning up my own life, focusing and making time for God, and all the in betweens that I forgot. I didn't mean for this Blog to be so overwhelming and heavy laden with... messy, head aching, tiring, draining thoughts, but it's on my mind, and now it's own my Blog. I need praying to look up, look past, and learn. I am being stretched to my limits. I think? I finally get to sleep in tomorrow morning, and that is about the most exciting thing I have yet to experience today... and this whole week. Aw. I promise, the next Blog wont wear you out. I'll remember to find the little things, and I will share them with you. For now, I only have sleeping on my mind. So good night! How funny, I've never said good night on my Blog.
I give everything over to you Lord

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