Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rise Above And Beat It

He hurt me, yet I shared my cookie with him.
They talked bad about me, and I offered them the other cheek.
He walked in with another girl, and I shook her hand with gladness.
When she yelled at me I thought, her eyes are gorgeous.
He said I wasn't pretty enough but I loved myself through it.
You didn't even leave me with a heart, yet I put yours back together.
He called me, to ask what he should do about his girlfriend problems, and I helped.
I was told no, but I did it.
They said it didn't look good enough, but there is nothing better than perfection.
I was asked to stop being friends with you, I'm so glad I'm your best friend.
They were pointing and laughing at you, I knew cause I was sitting with you.
I was told the club is "bad," but I still go, and I dance clean and good.
I was asked to rise to the occasions and I did it with grace and poise.
I give everything over to you Lord

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