Thursday, September 25, 2008

Unexpected Freedom

She slips on the dress that was made to fit only her, the shoes, just her size, mom looks on with tears in her eyes. Sweet angel, she's all gown up, this was a dream come true, they agreed that they would both follow through.  Already she had the wedding glow, she glanced in the mirror, it was evident, it was clear. Cupid got her this time, and now marriage was the only thing on her mind. Planned and ready, the house was prepared too, their supposedly beautiful fairy tale, the "Just me and you."  Working a few jobs, people said, "I'd pay off," now she's in her cold bed alone every five minutes checking her phone. Doubts of why she's still living, and what's the use, dedicated to reading her Bible but still somehow can't find the truth. Her heart was gently stitched out of her chest, pinned, dripping with blood, left right on her desk. Oh the nerve he must have, leaving her weeping, sad, becoming this monster, wait, or her "Dad?"  Her beautiful white dress lays in morning, put to death.  A darling girl, left before walking to the alter, went out drinking, didn't even think to call her. Ignorant mistakes, he has dug himself a grave, she knows God forgives, but can this guy be saved? No, her "Glass slipper fairy tale" has not shattered from his toss, just another battle won, she doesn't know the meaning 'lost.' She was supposed to be his wife, taking each other hand in hand, I guess not right now, God has a different plan. Judgement day will come, and hurt wont last forever, wedding bells will ring and she will live her 
"Happily ever after." 

I give everything over to you Lord

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you. thank you.