Saturday, November 1, 2008

He Will Never Know

He would never know that your adorable black dress soaked up the tears which fell heavily from your eyes. Your smile is so brilliant, capturing, and deeply breath taking, that he would never know your world is falling apart behind it. You are so poised and professional, he would never know you dance around in your underwear when your alone in your room. He would never know, that you feel so uncomfortable, just so that he might feel comfortable at all times. He would never know you had to get up for work at 6:00 a.m, but you talked to him until 3:00 a.m., anyway, because he was lonely. You have the perfect touch and always the right thing to say, but he would never know what he has. He complains that there is no decent girls out in the world, but you would never say, "I am."

I give everything over to you Lord

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe he knows