Saturday, November 1, 2008

Aren't Jokes Meant To Be Funny?

So if you didn't read my earlier post, "Barrow It," you probably wont understand the significants of this one. But, assuming you have, I got so more good news! After my phone went, and my ipod, I joked that my car would follow after. Well. The jokes not so funny anymore. In the shop goes my car. Somehow my car magically decided to have a problem friday morning. There wasn't any warner signs, or dashboard "Check Engine" light. Wonderfully, the car shop I brought my car to is closed saturday, and sunday. AND. Since I brought my car in friday, they wont start working on it until monday. Of course, "There is no grantee we'll have it done monday either," the kind auto-mechanic assures me! So NOW, I am car-less, phone-less, ipod-less. It's not so much that I feel like everything is getting taken from me, it's that it's one thing after another. The things that I have gotten taken from me, are things I am comfortable with, the things I'm used too. Maybe I'm being pushed to grow, extend my hand to something that isn't familiar, that isn't 'me.' Whatever it is, I'm excited to see what the Lord is going to teach me. As unfortunate as it may seem... 
This is my life, and I'm living it!
And... I'm loving it!
I give everything to You Lord
(Even though it's becoming less and less)


Stephanie said...

Ok so Nissa, the girl I used to work for, prayed a few weeks ago for the Lord to remove all the idols in her life. The next morning she woke up and her phone broke. And there was no way to replace it for over a week. Coincidence? Hmm, I think not. :) Just reminded me of your situation and your wise perspective in the midst of it all.

Love u.

Stephanie said...

Ok so Nissa, the girl I used to work for, prayed a few weeks ago for the Lord to remove all the idols in her life. The next morning she woke up and her phone broke. And there was no way to replace it for over a week. Coincidence? Hmm, I think not. :) Just reminded me of your situation and your wise perspective in the midst of it all.

Love u.

Sheena Christine West said...

Thank you! I had to smile when I read that. Because I am in the midst of it, and I understand where Nissa is at as well. God is so good. I can't help but see Gods humor in my life!
God gives.
God takes away.

It's beautiful!!!
I love you Steph.