Saturday, February 14, 2009

I've been thinking about changing my mind

Your attitude will determine your circumstance

Every year, on this "holiday" called Valentines day, I cry and shrug off all the happy couples. But, I'm learning your attitude determines your circumstance. I am also learning not to be jealous of those around me and to be genuinely happy for those around me. Being happy for people who have a healthy relationship, those who make a lot of money from hard work, those who loss weight faster then me, those who have a flourishing social life, those who are more artistic then me, those who can dance better then I could ever dance, and those who know more about then Bible then me. I am so happy for those people, and for the first time I'm starting to say that more and actually mean it. It comes straight from my heart. I am reading The Love Dare book and I never realized how I don't love people and how I'm a very jealous person. It is hard to admit and I've had to swallow a few pride pills, but, I am working at it slowly. I don't need to wait to feel loved I need to love first. I don't need to show people up I just need to be happy with where I stand and be happy about where they stand. I need initiate good conversation first to be involved with good company. I need to start things and not wait around until someone picks up where I'm slacking. I am starting a change. Slowly. 

I give everything over to you Lord


Stephanie said...

"I don't need to wait to feel loved I need to love first."


We love because He first loved us...
I see transformation in you from the inside out Sheen and the result is an awful lot more like Him than ever before. Beautiful.

btw, where did you get that awesome jet'aime pic?! love it and brings back loads of memories of ror and me back in the day! ah! :)

Sheena Christine West said...

I don't actually know where it came from, I probably found it on another persons blog or something!!

It made me think of you and ror actually! I love you so much!! MUAH!