Growing up, I've always felt like I've had a ton of health problems. From my skin being so sensitive and itchy (that it bleeds because I itch it so hard) to bad head aches and random sicknesses that left my in the hospital a few times. Two major things that have been predominate throughout the years have been my skin issues and throat problems.
I've woken up with welts on my legs, for no apparent reason, I have gotten shingles, a painful painful experience. I've gotten a staff infections right after I got shingles. I have had ringworm, or so they tell me. Rashes on my arms with little red bumps that itch constantly. My legs itch everyday all the time, no exaggeration. I have had rashes behind my knees and on my thighs. I have stayed up all night crying from my legs itching so bad. I have tried a least a dozen itch creams, I have also tried using Aquaphor, Cediphil, Pure Coconut Oil, ASAP with silver in it (this silver doesn't stay in your body though, after two days it will be gone) and the most recent one is E45 Cream. It's a lotion for Europe that's made with lanolin (Sheep's skin) and it takes around 28 days to get to my house after ordering. It's been helpful for making my skin less dry at least. I have scratched and itched my legs for so long that there are scares everywhere on my legs. I can write almost every one of my skin problems in about 10 minutes but this stuff has happened over a span of almost 21 years and it's been so frustrating, discouraging and tiring to deal with. I haven't see how much of a burden it's been on my life until recently, as I'm getting older. I notice things in my life that are getting effected by this. I want my skin to be normal.
That's my skin rundown, now here's my throat problems. I've gotten strep throat quite a bit growing up which always triggered my tonsils to flare and enlarge a little bit. When I was 16 I got mononucleosis and was unable to do anything for a month. My parents were out of town and my sister was taking care of me along with Mrs. Cary. (P.S. Thanks for your homemade chicken soap, it was wonderful!) We thought I just had a really bad cold, but I couldn't move my head very well, and my throat was in so much pain. When my parents got home they took my to the hospital that same night because my tonsil's were the size of golf balls. And my throat was closing. Every since then I got these little white things that would come out of my tonsils and I never knew what they were, but didn't really try to find out either. Now 2 months ago my sister got married and I'm so happy I made it. A few week before the wedding I got really sick and my tonsils were huge and the swelling never went down. Three days before her wedding I went to the hospital to find out that I had Chronic Tonsillitis. That really just means your tonsil's get huge and hurt and it keeps on reoccurring but your throat won't ever fully shut. But it really gets close. Even though the problem is technically in your throat, my tonsillitis has really taken a toll on my body. It has worn me out so much. It has been almost 4 months now that my tonsils have been horribly painful, enlarged, and uncomfortable. I am getting surgery tomorrow to get them removed. I am scared beyond belief but I want these golf ball sized tonsil's out of my mouth and out of my life forever. They have caused me so many problems, so many tears, so much time out of my life that I'm ready to get them out. I'm so afraid of being put under, and even more afraid because they tell me this is a VERY painful surgery. And then remind me again that it's extremely painful. I'm nervous and I just pray that this goes by so fast. I want to be healed already and I haven't even gotten the surgery. I want to be healthy for a day.
I give everything over to You Lord
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