Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fight The Good Fight

Capital punishment brought upon our own mind
Defining, defending, levels of doubt unending
Late nights roll to early mornings,
Remembering promises that have yet to take off soaring
I am working for bigger dreams
I can't be trapped underneath your worn out seems
Time to break out and set this wild imagination free
So when I look back on these years I can laugh and udder, "That's not me!"
No offense to the weak it's just time for me to tighten my bolts
Get down to the nitty gritty and ring my old self till it chokes
I will soon speak words that have never been thought
I will take action where people don't dare to cross
Although it seems like I was built like a machine
The Spirit inside me is the one that allows me to kick and scream
Vision captures my mind
Thinking now soaks all my time
I believe a smile can change this world
Although I'm willing to go deeper then just a "pretty girl"
Challenges are expected within the endeavor I dare to march
I won't give up on tomorrow because today is just about to start.

I give everything over to You Lord

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