Monday, December 12, 2011


It wasn't to long ago when I created a Bucket List of different adventure I wanted to do within a reasonable amount of time. Well I have been successful with crossing one off my list:

It was number 9: To go on a missions trip!

I was totally inspired by Gods love and sufficiency when I was there. The trip allowed me to downloaded a different way of thinking and living. A new perspective on life - just in the short 4 days I was there. I was blessed to be able to go and get my hands dirty while building a house for a MUCH NEEDED family. I was and still am humbled and honored to have been a part of such an amazing project and for such a deserving family!

Here is some photos from the build:

I finally got to check one off my list - although going on another missions trip with never fully be checked off! I love people - In State - Out of State - or Out of The Country!!

I give everything to You Lord

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