Lately, I have been so passionate about living. Literally, passionate about being alive, breathing, walking, talking. I feel so comfortable yet not complacent with where God has me. I am at a place of complete submission to His will. I have "thrown in the towel", so to speak. And no, I'm not implying that I have given up on life, just given up on my ways being more important then Gods will. I have been trying my best to drain my inhibitions and let Gods vision for my life fill me up. It's exciting. More exciting than I thought it would be, honestly! I am a "go with the flow" kind of person, and I have left all my joys, pains, and trails in Gods hands to smooth them out and mark the map of my life.
I am willing and ready to leave, to stay, to travel, to encourage, to conquer, to build new relationships or mend old ones. You know that antsy feeling you get when you know something big is coming up? That is the feeling that rages wild within the Spirit and body. I am just excited! I have spent a lot of years trying to "figure" things out, while, in a way, turning my back to seeking God. So if you feel like you are at a place where you just want to "be there", where ever you feel like "there" is, be patient. God really is concerned about your character, your journey, your growth, your battles fought and won! Also, if you are at a place where you actually don't have excitement for living or to face another day, I have been there too. You are not alone. There is HOPE! If you are willing to drowned yourself in prayer, the Bible, and strong people, you will be able to find the spark for life! Do what it takes to get to where God needs you, trust me, it's worth it!
I give everything over to You Lord
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