Depending on how your friends and romantic relationships have gone throughout your life will typically influence how you believe your future relationships will go. If you have had a lot of positive relationships in your life you may be more pron to think of words such as: Trust, Love, Faithfulness, Care, Honesty and vulnerability. Although, if you've been wounded badly you may lean more towards words such as: Hurt, brokenhearted, pain, mistrust, guarded and lies. Let's face it - We've all been hurt & we'll all get hurt again. So where is the happy middle ground of trusting someone and opening yourself up to them, and not being so trusting that you get hurt unnecessarily in the end. God talks about this issue, which means it is important to Him. Enough to give us Godly advice and council on how to conduct ourselves. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." Isn't that so good?! God cautions us to protect our hearts because they are a valuable entity. Your heart is valuable! I believe that if you are being aware to the condition of your heart, you'll be able to tell if you are guarding your heart out of obedience to God or to simply stonewall anyone from being let into your world. There is a difference, one is beneficial and produces a healthy life, while the other option is a destructive way of protecting yourself and in other words it really say's, "I'm scared to get hurt again."
I have to catch myself, still to this day, to not shut down or close off when I get hurt or I'm feeling like someone is being insensitive. If you are struggling with this balance of trust and letting someone in, especially romantically, it will most likely be a forever battle. Non of us want to get hurt so we all have to fight the urge to be defensive, push those who are close to us away or "give up" on people. I do know one thing for sure though. Spending more time with God allows you to trust someone fully, with no body guards necessary to protect you and your heart. You can be fully safe in Gods hands, fully trusting in His care, fully vulnerable and open with no reservations.
Psalms 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
I give everything over to You Lord
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