Taking the time to write out my inspirations, to encourage others through my words & to be transparent about real challenges I face. I will write about the days that don't seem note-worthy because I want to always see beauty in the ordinary. I find myself in a new adventure everyday and it is here that I attempt to put it into words. Enjoy!
Friday, April 6, 2007
There was something Inside Her.
I saw her in the corner of the shed, her straight brown hair pulled back into a tight bun, shaping her slender face. Her knees where bent into her face, her frail looking hands grasped on her weathered jeans. Her bare feet showed her chipped red nail polish, the brightest thing you could see in the low lit shed. She was pale, pure white she was not okay. I saw a tear drip down her face one after another. She was crying, i couldn't tell why, i didn't want to ask, and she spoke not a single word. She was just crying. She gave off a sense of fear, I'm not sure if it was me personally scared, or if it was truly a feeling she was giving off. Going into the shed i walked a bit closer, her blood shot eyes and freckled face looked up at me as she struggled to say what was wrong. She stumbled over the first words that came out, she said, "I-I-I-I nnneed, helllp." That alone made her fall apart again, now she crying more then before. I went to touch her back to try and show her the least amount of comfort as i could. But as she saw my hand coming she flinched, it seemed as though she thought i was going to hit her. I was speechless, i didn't know how to respond to that, someone thought i would hit them, the guilt that rushed over my body was almost serial. I felt that i couldn't say anything to comfort her, and she obviously was scared to be touched. Thoughts raced back and forth in my head, i don't understand what is wrong, i said over and over in my mind. What happened to this poor girl, WHAT HAPPENED? My eyes welled up with tears, i was helpless, i was worthless at that second in time, i couldn't help, she couldn't speak, we were both now crying. I sat to the right of her, close enough so she could feel the worth of my body giving her peace that I'm there without saying or physically doing anything to calm her. It was about ten minutes before she could say anything again, she turned her head slowly to the right as she released her tight grip from her jeans to wipe her eyes, she talked again, but this time she told me.
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