Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I will never stop trying!!

I asked a girl I work with if she would come with me to church...
She smiled and was a little unsure but said yes. She asked me so many questions while we finished working together. She said, Sheena if I do drugs can i come to church? Will they let me in? She said, i also live with my boyfriend and cuss a lot, can I still come? I said Yes Jessica! You are still aloud, you're aloud no matter what. So, we planned our day, after church we were going to grab lunch and go get our nails done.... Well, Sunday rolled around and, Jessica text me an hour before i was suppoed to get her and she said, Sheena i feel so bad, i spent the night with my mom and she lives in Sun city, maybe another Sunday. Of course i was a little bummed, but i told myself that i wont give up, i will keep on asking until she finally comes one time. I wont let the devil win her over.
God protect Jessica, make sure she knows shes loved by You.
I will try my best to show her your grace and care Lord.

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