Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today. I had my day planned. Morning to night, and I had to laugh when things didn't go as planned. I got up, cleaned up my room, got coffee, went to Sumit Yoga to apply for a job, and home again I went. CHECK! Those things I had planned, and I got them done. The night went a little different. I have been hanging out with this sweet girl Brittany, and she recently just accepted Christ into her life. As in recent I mean last night at youth group. I'm so proud of her. Tonight we wanted to shop a little and go to a college group with some other girls.... NOPE! Brittany and I got the shopping done, and I got some great steals, but when we went back to my car, it was a different story. (Yes, my car was still there) We hopped in, and to my WONDERFUL surprise I couldn't move my steering wheel. At least not enough for me to actually drive home. BUT. BUT. BUT. My WONDERFUL mother had just gotten AAA a few months ago! While Brittany and I waited for the tow truck to come, we grab some food and eat it on the side of the parking garage. Humorous to see, I'm sure! My other friend Brittany came to our 'rescue' and picked us up. We waited an hour and 10 min, but the nice tow truck man came and brought my car safely home. Where it will be towed to the shop tomorrow. Go Sheena! As Brittany, Brittany, and I drove around, listening to Lil Wayne, we still laugh and had fun. We didn't end up grabbing coffee with the girls we had planned to hang out with, and as a matter of fact, we didn't even get to college group. There was a reason my car wouldn't turn, there is a reason it took the nice tow truck man an hour and ten minutes to get there. I'm sure God was protecting us. Maybe from getting in a car wreck on the way to college group, or possibly we he wanted just us three girls to bond, and relax. I don't have the answer, but God thank you, for taking care of us every step of the way.
I give everything over to you Lord

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