Tuesday, September 2, 2008

They Do Exist!

So.. I am kindly smacked in the face, and I am reminded that good guys DO exist. I was sitting in Coffee Plantation on the couch with my sister, studying. There was a young man who walked in and order his drink and then sat down. I glanced over and he was reading his Bible and a few other books. I smiled and turned away, God was saying, "Hey Sheena, there is guys who fight for Me, you just may not encounter then very often." My sister looked at me and said, "Sheena, do you know what, God is going to bring you a man of God who will shoot your passion through the roof because of his influence on you." I had not talked to my sister about my thoughts of guys right now, and she hasn't read my Blog, it was straight from up above. I hadn't even asked God to bring a good guy my way, but he gave me a little reminder anyway. I didn't know the guy, but he showed me that God fearing men EXIST! Before he left, the guy, Jared, walked up to my sister and I and said, "Hey do you guys go to South Western Bible College?" My sister began telling how she does and I don't and he was like oh I have a few friends who go there. He said that he was actually a youth pastor at a church near by our house. So we all chatted a bit more and come to find out we all knew a few of the same people. Small world. My thoughts are put into prospective and I continue my day with a little more ease. Homework. Homework. Homework. My next task today. Give me strength Lord
I give everything over to you Lord

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