Monday, December 8, 2008


Someone once told me, that creative people, while under stress, cancel out time to be creative. Coming to this realization, I decided, I needed to get creative again. I would tell you what I did, but it would ruin my brother and sister-in-laws christmas present!!  No matter what it was though, it was good to be back in touch with my creative side, I'm a much happier person when I'm in the art world. School is almost finished for this semester, so I will be able to jump in to the creative boat again, and sail, with a free mind! I have so many good ideas for my room and ways to jazz up this and glamorize that, but I feel like school take away from my creativity. No, I'm not debating whether I should drop out or not because I guess the saying goes, "You gotta start somewhere!" I just really enjoy the creativeness God put inside of me. Thank you God! 

I give everything over to You Lord

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