Friday, January 16, 2009

I've Been More Me Lately

So, since I've been on break, I've gotten more CREATIVE. It's been nice to just sit and sctech or sit and write or simply just SIT!

I actually had time to paint a bookshelf and add a little artistic flair to it! I put news papers on the shelves and put a glossy finish on top. So now I can set things on it without the news paper getting ruined! It turned out good!

And... Now, I am working on a wooden board for a friend (Bobby), that is covered with pictures I've done of graffiti. I painted the edges black and glossed the top and sides.
It's awesome!

I've been busy, but I've been having fun! I'll be back in the riga-ma-roo Tuesday. Darn!

I give everything over to You Lord

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