One of the most admirable things I've come to love is when the people I am close with express how they are feeling. It deepens the friendship, and for me, say's that the value me enough to open up. I feel very appreciated, valued, and important when I'm trusted with someone's heart because I really do try my best not to break it. I find expression or words as one of the most romantic forms of love. Words can create promises, they can form challenges, make commitments, be the spokes person for God, and words can heal, strengthen, smooth, encourage, and love. Feelings are passionate and your words just give audible form to how the inside of you looks. I've been blessed with different opportunities of hearing the hearts of people I am fighting this world with. I've had long, draining, emotional conversations with close friends, and, it was worth the tears, worth the loss of sleep, worth the time, worth the energy. I may not know all those people now, but I never took the time I had with those friends for granted. I will continue, and try my best, to feel things and to not just push them aside. I will also try to pull emotions out from the people who are closest to me, so that we can grow together in pursuing God well fighting life side by side.
I give everything over to You Lord
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