Growing up, I'm sure you could think of a hand full of things that you've been hurt by, that you remember in detail, right? Have you ever questioned why you can't find a reliable friend and no one seems to be able to just sit and listen to you? Searching for a friend that can forgive you as fast as you hurt them? Where are these people?
Some may say, "You will never find a friend like that," while others may say, "I'm still looking for a friend like that."
My pastor just finished a series called, "Friend-lation-ships," where he encouraged us to be the type of friend we've been looking to have ourselves. That may sound cliche, and, well, it did to me too. BUT! I have the desire to get to the place where I can be the friend to someone which I've always, always, wanted. The type of friend who will stay up late because you just need to talk. The type of friend who will come over and sit with you and not have to say a word. The type of friend whose forgiveness is relentless and my love is heartfelt. The type of friend that keeps your eyes on the Lord but still focuses on improving your situation. The type of friend where I can call you beautiful or handsome and you actually believe me, opposed to everyone else. The type of friend who you seek counsel from, who you can laugh with and cry with, all in the same conversation. I really want to be the type of friend who cares, and cares, and cares, and cares, and cares, and cares for the condition of your heart. Most of all, I want to be the type of friend who reminds you that you are a prince and a princess of The Most High King.
So, as I walk out my journey to be the friend I've always wanted, I will have to keep pulling strength from God, because no human can fill me enough to demonstrate all of that (above). I will need to be on my knees seeking out to better understand what God feels. I want to be able to feel what God feels, only to the extent where I can help individuals He selects for me. I want to be aware and careful. Understanding and seeking. Fearless but fearful of God. I want to understand the magnitude of what I'm fighting for, this great cause, this great challenge, of dying to self and bringing others to life.
"A friend is someone who know the song to your heart and sings it to you when you forget the words."
I give everything to You Lord
Prayer Please
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