Season 1 Episode 3 "Cautious"
{And this part of my life I call Workin' It Out}

Recently I have been feeling drawn to seek wise council about unanswered questions in order to be cautious about the direction I am heading. I have been talking to those who know me best and really trying to hear God's voice through their advice and guidance. I don't want to get to a state where I am so cautious that I can't enjoy the blessings God has placed in front of me. Instead finding a balance of Godly council and actually living out my walk with God, trusting that He will guide my path as I follow after Him. My desire is to please God and bring honor to Him through my life.
I want to do things right. Relationally, friendships, education, ministry and family. I have noticed myself being more guarded lately, in order to avoid any hurt. Although, mentally I know that is a destructive way of living and thinking, I have been fighting against the trap of shutting people out. I want to be vulnerable because I know how much benefit it is to have honest people living life. Even if it is a little messy at times, honesty is appreciated by God which means I am learning daily how to appreciate it in the same way as He does.
I have been feeling this desire to break through the dark cloud that has been following me for quite some time. I don't want any fear based relationships or hidden secrets. I want an honest jab at a healthy, flourishing, productive and stable relationship. Something that has always been a desire of mine. So as I work through my journey of asking questions and seeking out answers, as well as forming God honoring relationships with people, I will do the things that can not fail me. I will still keep falling madly in love with my God. I will still live each day with a passion to pursue God. I will still bow my knees in prayer. I will read the Bible with an open heart. I will lead by example and walk by faith. I will keep pouring into the lives that God has allowed me to, while still staying humble enough to be poured into and molded as well. I love my God, I am thankful for my life. I worship a Mighty King!
I give everything over to You Lord
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