Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Confront Healing

"You Can't Heal What You Refuse To Confront"

When you are walking through different life situations, such as, relationally, spiritually or personally, you are going to face "something," right? Whatever the "something" may be will depend on the situation faced and the person handling it. The "something" may be hurt, confusion, disappointment, neglect, anger or sadness. Whatever it ends up being, at one point in life you will face a memorable hardship that will take time and energy to shake it from your heart and mind with the goal of eventually finding complete healing from it. Although, confrontation with the goal of healing will allow you to withstand hardships and the pain you may go through in order to be restored.

"Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying,
"I will try again tomorrow."

I have found that trying to run from the pain and hard issues in life never produce as much learning and growth as facing the problems and conflicts that arise. Ignoring the pain or living out of fear of being hurt will hinder your full potential of living. The same goes for bitterness and resentment, holding all of that inside will only hurt you, not the other person. I am really believing for this generation and generations to come to have the ability to stand up and face the issues in their life. To avoid the ease of being a society that try's to patch up and mask what's really going on in life and to simply deal with it. 
Forgiveness doesn't change the past, although it give a hope for the future.

I read a quote that said, "If you're lucky enough to get a second change, don't waste it." Although I understand what this quote is implying, I find that it takes away the true magnitude of Grace that God extends to us. If I could reword the quote, I'd say, "Every day you wake up is already a second chance, if you are living to God it will never be a waist."

"Do not let projections of the past or future affect the present." But, be willing to let go of the life you have planned for yourself and surrender it completely to the life that is awaiting you, according to Gods plan.
You have permission to feel angry, hurt, confused, upset, delighted, joyful or all of the above or none of the above. You have permission to feel however you feel. Your feelings are valid, understandable and they are important enough to process through them. So take the time to confront what you are experiencing so you can move on with a healed and whole perspective about life and about people. Often times people feel like that have to just hurry up and get over issues. I have found that to be a really damaging position to place yourself in. Because if you don't get down to the heart of what has happened to you or the situations your facing it is bound to surface again your life. "Confront the situations in your life, don't ignore them, so that you can remember what it has taught you and leave behind the hurt that it has caused you."

"It is better to be hurt by the truth than to be comforted by a lie." Because, while numbing the pain might feel good for awhile, it will only make it worse when you finally feel everything you have been avoiding. Remember that it is okay to change your mind about things you once thought you never would. Because if you are truly following God's plan for your life, He may have you go a different direction than you once thought you were headed.

If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough! So dream. Dream passionate, daring, outrageous, huge, inspiring, world changing dreams. If you believe in the dream you will actually be able to accomplish it.

I give everything over to You Lord


Monica and Tessa said...

You're so right, Sheena! I didn't even realize that I tend to just brush past my feelings instead of digging into them with Jesus to let Him work there.

Monica and Tessa said...
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Sheena Christine West said...

Yeah, Monica, It is really easy to over look what you are feeling and just try to "get by". Its okay to feel everything your feeling, let God work through you. You will have a much greater sense of who God is and your character will be refined even more! I love you and I love your passion for pursing God.