Tucker Reynolds...
MAN ALIVE TUCKER! I've known you for sooo long now. And I'm beyond thankful for all the years i have had time to spend with you. I know your heart Tucker, i see you try everyday to fight for what you believe in. I know you want to be a man of God, truly a man who will fight and kick and push and scream until you are completely dead to yourself and alive in Christ. You have been there so much for me Tucker, every time I've cried out of hurt, love, pain, and thankfulness you were there to catch every tear. You are an amazing guy Tucker, you have shown me more stuff in my wimpy life time then allot of people see in their whole life time. Thank you for that.
Tucker I miss you when we don't see each other for a while, i love you when you hurt me and thank you for loving me when i hurt you. God has an amazing plan for you.
Don't forget to pray and Thank God for what He has given you and blessed you with.
I love you Tucker

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