Thursday, March 15, 2007

Unable to understand.

It disgust me, it makes me so sick when i see men treating his wives and daughters horribly, God it tears me up, they don't deserve anything Lord, i know i don't deserve anything as well, but they just seem less deserving, my flesh is talking, i know it is, but God, i want them to hurt as much as the people they've hurt. I've seen a girl my age cry to me because of pain, hurt, disappointed, and heart break she had gone through. JUST BECAUSE of one man Lord, you created him, now please take him away, i hate to see the family carry so much unnecessary baggage. Take the hearts of the woman and children that have been hurt and fix them, mend them, make them shiny whole and perfect in you lord. Let them feel at peace, sooth their anxieties, give each and every broken home a non physical stick of glue so they can begin to put everything back again. Lord i want to rip my hair out i would rather take all the pain for every crying Spirit and deal with it myself. Lord protect those who you know are in pain. You are amazing God, hold their hearts in the palm of your hand.

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