So I'm home from surgery now! I got to the out patient facility just yesterday at 7 and I was nervous, but being there and just going through the process relaxed me a little. I was ready to do the surgery!
I put my robe on, and the little booties on my feet and peed in a cup. (Always the worse part!) They sat me in a back room with a few other people and they put an IV in my left arm, a warmed blanket over my body, and a scrub hat over my hair. After that I had to wait for a little so they called Daniel back to hang out with me until I went in the actual surgical room. It put me more at ease.
A nurse walked me in the surgical room, so Dan left, I saw the doctor, anesthesiologist, and two other nurses. All I remember is the anesthesiologist saying this medical might hurt your vain. It went in and I said, "Ouch, that's hurts". Next thing I knew I was drowsy and I just told myself, "I better close my eyes now." I was OUT!
Next thing I know I was in the recovering waking up and crying. I was just so out of it and my body just felt all funny. I became more conscious and they let Dan come back and help give me water. The first couple sips I choked because I never had my throat open so wide. Then, Dan left the room, the nurse helped me get dressed and then stuck me in a wheel chair and road me out to the car. Got in and I was off to the comfort of my home.
Since I've been home I've really done nothing but sleep and drink as much water as I can. Watched some game shows and checked my favorite blogs. It was so sweet though, my sister come over and brought me two get well balloons, an adorable stuffed penguin (In the picture above) and the movie The Blind Side. So sweet! Also, my friend Josh came to visit and brought me beautiful sunflowers and they just brighten up the living room. Thanks Rae and Josh! Daniel has been so good at taking care of me, it's been such a blessing. He brought me a little get well balloon, pickles before surgery because I was CRAVING them so bad, helped me clean my room so that I would be able to sleep good at nights, helps me stand up, gets me water all the time and even rubs my feet and neck. Wow! Awesome best friend for ya, agreed?!
So recovery time will be a process and my throat will hurt and feel better and hurt again, but did you catch the first part? I'm RECOVERING! I'm so happy to be getting better.
I give everything over to You Lord