It was in the 1940's when a man went to a Sears store in Seattle and while no one was looking he said, "I stole $20 or $30 dollars." This 60 year old man was speaking with the manager of the store, confessing what he had done. He felt compelled to pay back the money he stole - but with interest. He gave the store $100 and the manager said, "It seemed like it has been bothering him for the past 60 years."
For whatever reason, Sears refuses to show or release the video recording of the man. Instead Sears took it upon themselves to use the $100 towards helping needy families in the holiday season.
So if you feel like there is things in your life that you want to redo or correct - start now! Don't wait till your 60 to realize that you want to correct mistakes. I suppose better late than never!
For the full story CLICK HERE
I give everything over to You Lord