Taking the time to write out my inspirations, to encourage others through my words & to be transparent about real challenges I face. I will write about the days that don't seem note-worthy because I want to always see beauty in the ordinary. I find myself in a new adventure everyday and it is here that I attempt to put it into words. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Am I ready Lord?
Am I ready to take the next step, to go into a battle field called "College?"
Am I ready to put two feet forward and jump into the things the devil will throw at me?
Am I ready to do what i have been taught to do? Share God with people around me.
Am I ready to learn that i am here for the sole purpose of benefiting the kingdom of God?
Am I ready to teach while I'm being taught at school?
Am I ready to grow up, mature, and become a college student fighting daily to be faithful to God?
Am I ready to trust fully that God has a wonderful purpose for putting me here.
Am I ready to hurt because i will recognize sin in the world?
Am I ready to fight
Am I ready to not settle
Am I ready to make a difference
Am I ready to show my parents i can do it
Am I ready to say, No when people say that i should
Am I ready to die to myself and have complete reliance on God?
Am I ready to do this?
Graduation is one thing. Putting on an over sized gown and i square hat with a long stringy thing to the side is another. Walking up getting a slip of paper that says, "You've worked 4 years for a tree to be cut down and flattened into a paper which has your name written in fancy writing, saying, "Congratulations Graduate." Am i proud of what I've left behind in my years of homeschooling, or was i just trying to "Get by?"
Will i know what i have truly learned in high school when I'm done with collage? If so, when will i truly know what I've learned in collage when I'm married and have 3 kids? I am beyond excited to graduate, but at times i don't feel ready, and at times, I am scared, and then i say to myself, "Take a deep Breath, and be thankful you aren't the one who is in control of your future."
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Just little things..
It breaks my heart into nothing when i see broken families struggle to like each other anymore.
I truely can't stand any parents fighting, especially mine.
I hate to see drugs, alcohol, smoking, or sex the result of peoples happiness. It's only temporary, it's not true happiness.
I just melt away when i see people in this world completely missing Gods compassion and not totally in love with Him.
If we just had one less worry about life, maybe we could see God's amazing plan for all of us. Just maybe.
For me pictures are a way of saying I've lived life, i have records of what I've done, and i want to be better then before.
For every person who has given more of themselves to another person, i look up to you, because i've struggles with that.
I thought about what love was last night with one of my friends, and this morning a have a new perspective on it. God gave his life for us, one of the greatest gifts of love. Until I'm ready to die for anyone i know i wont know true love.
And then i thought more, would i die for people i know. I came to the conclusion that i would, if i could just give my life completely selfless to the people i say i "love" then i do truly know true love. God knows my heart and he knows who i love.
Love is not just a feeling but i struggle to live less in your flesh and live less for yourself.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Unable to understand.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Best Friend B
My dearest friend, Brittany Huff, has taught me so much about life, love, care, and friendship.
She is a wonderful girl of God, a blessing so beautiful words truly can not describe my thankfulness for her. I have a sister in Christ, best friend i can count on, and a person to keep me accountable.
Brittany Ann, you are more then just another girl in this world, you have been placed here with a purpose and meaning, you are going to do outstanding things through Christ if you keep your eyes fixed on him.
No boy, not any amount of money or clothes can fulfill you Brittany, you are amazing, stay that way.
You have taught me to be:
2)Grace giving
3)Loving when needed
4)A girl who will not just settle
5)and simply... a girl living less in her flesh.
I love you B

Tucker Reynolds

Tucker Reynolds...
MAN ALIVE TUCKER! I've known you for sooo long now. And I'm beyond thankful for all the years i have had time to spend with you. I know your heart Tucker, i see you try everyday to fight for what you believe in. I know you want to be a man of God, truly a man who will fight and kick and push and scream until you are completely dead to yourself and alive in Christ. You have been there so much for me Tucker, every time I've cried out of hurt, love, pain, and thankfulness you were there to catch every tear. You are an amazing guy Tucker, you have shown me more stuff in my wimpy life time then allot of people see in their whole life time. Thank you for that.
Tucker I miss you when we don't see each other for a while, i love you when you hurt me and thank you for loving me when i hurt you. God has an amazing plan for you.
Don't forget to pray and Thank God for what He has given you and blessed you with.
I love you Tucker

Rachel Starks (Sister!)
Rachel Starks.. My sister!
If I have ever seen a Woman of God struggle for what she believes in, it's my sister.
She has held herself accountable, she doesn't do something because it's the "cool" thing to do, she doesn't hardly ever anything that is against her beliefs, she is a woman totally in love with the Lord, and she is faithful to herself, the Lord, and to usually anyone who comes into contact with her. I love her so much, she has such an innocent heart, and such a sensitive spirit. Who ever gets to put a ring on that figure of her, is going to be one lucky man. She's an amazing woman.
And I look up to her, she's so inspiring. I couldn't ask for a better sister I have such a great relationship with her, and I pray that God will protect her through everything this world throws at her.
I love you Rae

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