Just when I think I got a plan together, somehow God comes in my life and interups and remindes me who's in charge.
I'm so thankful He has every detail figured out for my life. So for, God has given me peace to pursue my degree in Art History. That is enough for me to know right now, I'm working on that part of my life, with Gods help 24/7. I am willing and open to any changes and blessings God will bring me. He has so much grace on me.
Taking the time to write out my inspirations, to encourage others through my words & to be transparent about real challenges I face. I will write about the days that don't seem note-worthy because I want to always see beauty in the ordinary. I find myself in a new adventure everyday and it is here that I attempt to put it into words. Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
~ Capture a Moment ~
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I'm ending my first year of school at SCC, and I have finals creeping up very quickly. In my English 102 class I am writing my final research paper on divorce. This is by choice. My first thinking was hey, it's easy, I know a good amount about divorce and I have some thoughts on how to prevent it. Granted I am not married and have not been through the trails and challenges marriage throws at you, but I thought I still had a pretty good idea of what I was getting myself into. WELL, I have had a rude awaking. Dismissing the fact that this is an assignment, I have learned about our society and the divorce rates of our world. It is so sad. I have read that the reason from a huge amount of divorces is because the couples had lived with each other before wedlock. It is sad to see percentages and numbers increasing as the years go on. It has put slight fear on the thought of my marriage in the future. Of course, divorce for me is not an option. I see the positive things about marriage as well, don't get me wrong. It's just that it is very evident that losing hope in your marriage is easy. What I also see as a postive thing about marriage is the rewards and blessing marriages will get if enough time is spend on building their relationship through the Lord. God is good! This was just a quick blog to spit out my thoughts, I need to go back and finish my outline for the paper!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
At youth group last night I was blessed. Not only with God's grace on me, but His way of fulfilling prayer. I had asked the Lord to send someone to me that would trust me with their heart. God was so amazing and sent a young girl to me that has had more hurt then some average teenagers. She let it go, her guard, her fear, her smile, her strengthen. I was so blessed when she started telling me what she was being challenged with. It wasn't her saying this is hard that is hard but it was her coming to realize that she wants to see change, she has a desire with all her heart to see her cousins and family grow in the Lord. I told her that’s where change starts. Desire, then comes faith and growth in your personal relationship that God can do the rest, through prayer and faith. God is an amazing God. It’s simple to write that, but it's hard to show you how much I believe that. GOD IS AN AMAZING GOD. Prayer for this young lady would be much needed.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Set Apart
I don't mind so much that I don't have a handful of friends to hang out with all the time, I think the thing I am beginning to realize is that I have been set apart. That means I will not be included in every youthful activity out there. I am here for the Lord and to serve Him in everything I do. Now, someone with no faith in the Lord may think I am missing out on the drinking the drugs the sex and the 'fun'. I can honestly sit here and say to myself that I feel as though I have NOT missed out on ANYTHING. I know that the drinking, drugs, and sex will leave you with a hole in your heart which will never fill you up, and that is why I don't take part in it. Sometimes that means not having friends who do those types of things. Sometimes even my friends who are believers in Christ are not my source of security. God has very well taken care of that for me. But it's hard. Trugin' along the path when you seem to have no friends to rely on. Family? Sure! They have always been there for me. I am beyond blessed when it comes to that. I feel as though I would love a couple of close girlfriends who share the same things as me and that want to live a pure healthy life in the Lord. Maybe I'm being selfish, and God wants me to be satisfied with the amazing family he has blessed me with. But a few friends wouldn't hurt, right? Finding them is the hard part. However, I will not give up on trying to please the Lord in my actions, thoughts, and life overall. With that, God will bless me with the right people in my life. The right people to push me grow. If that is only my family, then I am totally and 100% satisfied.
I realized something last night. I am fearful of a successful man. A true man of God. Why? I haven't quite figured that out, but I noticed myself shy away when my sisters roommate tried to tell one of her Christian friend about me. Wouldn't most girls be jumping for the opportunity with a man of God with a passion to see people grow in Christ? I'm not saying I will ever meet this guy, but the thought of having a Godly man in your life, makes me feel like I don't have to settle for a boy that is figuring out what he wants in a woman. I am waiting for God to send someone to me. I am not on a mission, I am by no means trying to find my future husband. Eighteen, in college, a busy work schedule, what else? A man to top that off? I don't know about that. But, what I do know is that I will wait to see what man God is going to bring into my life. Exciting, very very exciting.
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