Monday, December 26, 2011


Here are a few pictures of my trip to California {Much Needed Trip} & tomorrow I will be off to Mexico to see what new adventures unfold. Blesses beyond words to have a family who genuinely cares about each other. & While it's to always easy to love everyone, I do love them!

I give everything over to You Lord!!

And After It's All Said And Done

The years or defining, aspiring, rethinking, pursuing & striving to build a character that is honorable, uplifting & worth following usually comes down to situation that offer you the chance to be selfish or selfless. Sometimes being the person God has called us to be looks like a phone call in the middle of the night. Someone needing you to listen not talk. Other times it's driving your car because you know it will save the other person gas. There is also times where it comes down to offering a shoulder & not being annoyed when someone actually has to use it to cry on.

I look at historical, memorable and influential people who have left a legacy or kindness, love, generosity, selflessness and passion and find myself contemplating situations in my life that require more of me.

I find that God has impeccable timing and placement of situations that lend us the option of being utilized by Him. I thank God for every life trial and tribulation that He has ALLOWED me to go through. Because if I can relate to someone else on a personal level, everything I have gone through becomes worth it. I try my hardest to build my character and life's desires on a solid foundation, so that if the world around me shakes my foundation stays strong.

I have never been so excited to live. {I am SO excited}. & no, that doesn't mean I don't have any stress or deadlines or trials or hardships or school or work or whatever else this world spits at me... I am just so excited to wake up and breathe, learn, challenge, succeed, strive, accomplish, wonder, dream and desire. I am so excited to live! I know I already said it, but I mean it every time!

Use these hands. They are Yours.

I give everything over to You Lord

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I have recently made a profile on ABOUT.ME - Here is what it says: Or VISIT HERE

God Breathed Life Into Me

I am passionate about living & passionate about God, people, dance, photography, art, writing, creating, spoken words, music, and relationships. I get inspired by the uncommon and always try to listen for where God is leading me. I feel lucky to have my life, solely because I get to be molded, grow, encourage, achieve, accomplish, fail, try again, succeed, learn, forget, forgive, remember, and know who I am as a child of a King, a sister, friend, best friend, aunt, cousin, daughter, co-worker, crew member, youth leader and as ME! I really don't know much about anything, but I have the desire to become knowledgeable about most things! I am excited to live and can't wait to do great things in this World!

"My flesh may fail, but God you never will!"

I give everything over to You Lord

Christmas Party!

As I have stated HERE I had been wanting to have an ornament decorating party and FINALLY I was able to spend time with a few girlfriends and Dan! We planned a little get together for the people who went on the Ensenada missions trip and while only a handful of us can make it - it was still so fun!! Here are the pictures I promised from the party!

I give everything over to You Lord

Monday, December 12, 2011


It wasn't to long ago when I created a Bucket List of different adventure I wanted to do within a reasonable amount of time. Well I have been successful with crossing one off my list:

It was number 9: To go on a missions trip!

I was totally inspired by Gods love and sufficiency when I was there. The trip allowed me to downloaded a different way of thinking and living. A new perspective on life - just in the short 4 days I was there. I was blessed to be able to go and get my hands dirty while building a house for a MUCH NEEDED family. I was and still am humbled and honored to have been a part of such an amazing project and for such a deserving family!

Here is some photos from the build:

I finally got to check one off my list - although going on another missions trip with never fully be checked off! I love people - In State - Out of State - or Out of The Country!!

I give everything to You Lord

Saturday, December 10, 2011


So a few of my friends and I got together last night for a Gingerbread-man-making-party! We got a sushi dinner, wore fancy dresses, listened to Christmas music and decorate our oversized gingerbread men. (Trader Joe's - $3.99) I few of us brought frosting, others brought candy and we all brought a themed idea of how our Beautiful Gingy was going to look. Here was our ideas:

1) Nabih - Jeti Gingy + Terrorist Gingy (He had two!)

2) Meagan - Hurt soldier complete with a non existent heart

3) Lyndsey - Atomically Correct Gingy's (A girl and a Boy)

4) Ei - An Asian Gingy even included Asian eyes!

5) Sheena - A Ninja Gingy (Nike Name is - Ninjy) & a Fancy Gingy (I also had two!)

From Left to right (Jeti, Ningy, Soldier, Asian)


Santa sat on my lap to tell me what he wanted for Christmas!! : )

(Nabih & I being random!)




I didn't take any pictures of the atomically correct gingers for fear that my blog would get a different rating!! But Good job anyway Lyndsey!

Overall, it was fun to spend time with people I love and care about. It just happens to be the perfect season to throw parties! Each of us are so unique that is makes each event more exciting and unexpected. Loved our Gingy Party - Thank you for making it fun Meagan, Ei, Nabih, Lyndsey & Oleg.

I give everything over to You Lord

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The eat less to fit the little black dress. Crash diets to keep the boyfriend quiet. Budgets tight and name brands become your life. Makeup to make up for what you think should be made up. Magazine covers become your ideal while your striving for what is unreal. A gym membership is your new relationship solely focusing on how to get fit. Hair extensions should not be your main concern, instead extending life while you are still here. Don't forfeit your body to feel like your desired because "Plan B" should never replace who you were created to be. Step out of your heals and give your sole soul some room to heal. Put down the blow dryer & unplug the curling iron, because you need to remove more than just your nail polish. Fake fusades to match your fake eye lashes, reprogram your perspective and get rid of your spam detections. Real is a realm rarely reached by more than just the girl next door. So to every marketer who has a say in what the media distributes to the public eye, eye I personally thank you for demonstrating unhappiness that happens to come in a size zero. For showing what an airbrushed eating disorder looks like. & providing examples of dysfunctional self images, unfulfilled and unsatisfied emptiness. Dead end endeavors that leave you more broken than the hopeless place you started will always be this worlds latest fad. Put on a dress of purity. Cover your hair head with knowledge. Pour life into others instead of pouring your money down the drain. Wear shoes that are worn so you can relate to those around you, showing how you have walked the walk. Let your hands be open for giving and let your hands also be used for feeding yourself food life.

God breathed conquerors, redefining real, opening locked doors and giving others permission to be free. Start looking for life - with meaning - purpose - love - & God. It will rock your world!

I give everything over to you Lord

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Ornament

I want to throw an ornament party! Having people together to decorate their ornaments and share hot coco and laughter. I suppose I am just getting into the holiday spirit! Maybe I will try to find a week to plan a little get together for some girls. I have been really wanting to do something other then work, dance functions and homework every weekend - So maybe this will be a nice change. If it does actually happen I will be sure to take pictures and share the decorated ornaments! Even if I don't throw a party and I just do some myself! We'll see!

I give everything over to You Lord