Taking the time to write out my inspirations, to encourage others through my words & to be transparent about real challenges I face. I will write about the days that don't seem note-worthy because I want to always see beauty in the ordinary. I find myself in a new adventure everyday and it is here that I attempt to put it into words. Enjoy!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Finding time to take a deep breath is some times... One of the hardest things to do for me. My head is running twenty-four seven, like all of ours usually do. Back and forth between thoughts, pressures from everyday life, school, tired legs, a shirt that just got ripped, and to top it off a bad attitude on my part. Why does it seem so stressful now a days. I can't start a day without hearing, what seems to me, bad news about something or someone. I am having a very hard time with problems in my life. They are weighing on me tremendously. I don't know if i can handle anymore, i am starting to break, little by little, I'm breaking, catch me Lord...
Your Testing me again!
I know you want to test my strength under pressure, i know you are teaching me something again. I don't know what exactly, But i see how you're testing me with one best friends, girls you have put in my life to be an example to, and the pain for hurting families. Lord i know you want me to grow and learn, thank you again for pushing me, i need it. I need to rely on you!
I know you want to test my strength under pressure, i know you are teaching me something again. I don't know what exactly, But i see how you're testing me with one best friends, girls you have put in my life to be an example to, and the pain for hurting families. Lord i know you want me to grow and learn, thank you again for pushing me, i need it. I need to rely on you!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Pray For Him
I hate it how until someone i know gets hurt or me myself is in pain or growth, i come to realize how blessed i am for everything in my life.
I come home from having a long day, starting with a class of 18 months to 1 year old babies running around and playing, finished after the parents come to pick up their kids. I drive my tired body to math class where i have to take a test, understanding what seemed to be NOTHING. After the test that made me down about not learning well enough i go to the bank and do some things i had to get done. Say bye to my best friend, no hug, no smile, just an i love you and i walk out the door. Driving home once again my tiered body, walking up stairs balancing a pile of stuff against my body into my room my mom yells from the other room, "Sheena come here, read this please." I yell back with a attitude in my tone of voice saying, "What? I'm trying to put my stuff down." After settling myself down, i walk into where the computer is and my mom doesn't look at me, just hands me a paper saying, "Read this." I pick it up and walk back down stairs and sit on the couch. I start it...
“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord….”
As many of you dear family and friends have heard, Reagan was involved in a severe motor vehicle accident on April 15th. He made a solo camping trip to the cooler Arizona north country for a couple of days. He was on his way home around 11:30am after stopping to take one last picture, when he says he hit some loose gravel and started to slide. He thought he had it under control, when he says he “hit something” and lost it. His vehicle rolled numerous times ejecting him. Reagan was spotted and found by the abundant grace of God shortly after. The exact time frame is a little unclear, as Reagan was by himself and did loose consciousness at the scene. The location and terrain where he was camping was remote and not a highly traveled path by many. The first responders found him some distance from the road down an embankment of some kind and immediately sent the call for help.
Assembled medical teams began a spinal drip a soon as they arrived, which saved Reagan’s life. Because Reagan was ejected from the vehicle and stating that he could not feel or move his legs, a spinal cord injury was immediately suspected and feared. The spinal drip was started to promote and support the normal movement and flow of spinal fluids if injuries suffered had interrupted or damaged the spinal cord in any way. Spinal injuries are life-threatening, extremely time sensitive, and incredibly complex to accurately treat without inducing any further damage or even death.
Reagan was air-evacuated to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital’s trauma unit, where God had hand selected and prepared the brightest surgical and medical minds in the nation to quickly provide their neurological and surgical expertise to sustain Reagan’s life. MRI’s and CAT-Scans were immediately done to miraculously rule out any internal bleeding, brain injuries, or head trauma. Reagan’s MRI and CAT-Scan results did show massive injury and trauma to the T12 vertebra of his spinal column, resulting in the paralysis of Reagan’s lower limbs.
The spinal column is composed of three primary sections. There are seven cervical discs (C1-C7), twelve thoracic vertebra (T1-T12), and five lumbar discs (L1-L5), with adjoining sacral discs (commonly referred to as the tail bone). The cervical vertebra (neck bones) support the base of the skull and cranial structure and continue to give form and structure to the neck musculature. The thoracic vertebra directly follows the cervical discs to provide the most extensive back support. Reagan’s injury occurred at the last thoracic vertebra (T12), which is just slighter lower than the mid back region. The spinal vertebra’s job is to surround and protect the spinal cord. In Reagan’s case, T12 was shattered and pushed into his spinal cord, occluding 85% of the neural and spinal fluid functioning. It is an absolute miracle the spinal cord was not severed completely. Due to the severe spinal cord occlusion, Reagan is paralyzed from the waist down.
“…..plans to prosper you and not to harm you……”
Reagan underwent two rounds of surgery; one to remove T12 and insert a titanium cage that mimics a vertebral disc, and the second to stabilize this cage with the usage of screws and several inch-long rods spanning the length of four discs, adding strength to the spinal column. Dr. Nicholas Theodore was the leading surgeon operating on Reagan, who is nationally recognized for his neurological expertise and surgical methodology. According to Dr. Theodore, both surgeries went incredibly well, and have enabled Reagan to heal without the use of spinal bracing devices.
Currently, Reagan is in tremendous pain. Spinal drainage devices are still in place post-operatively, which have definitely increased his incredible discomfort and pain. If all goes well, the draining devices should be able to be removed by tomorrow. Reagan is able to make slight leg movements (so minimal they are hard to see at times), and has extreme numbness, tingling, and skin sensitivities to the slightest of touches in his legs. He has said numerous times that his feet “feel dead,” but has had encouraging progress in regaining leg sensation off and on.
“…….plans for a future and a bright hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
There is definitely a long and hard road ahead of Reagan. There are no guarantees as to how long or what Reagan’s limitations will be, but we are prayerfully hopeful Reagan will walk again someday. He will remain in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for the next several days to closely monitor any changes, but will begin rigorous rehabilitation as quickly as possible if all goes as planned. The neurological surgery team is currently putting together a team of physical and occupational therapists that will direct, guide, and encourage Reagan along his rehabilitation way. For now, we are thankful for Reagan’s life. We are thankful for God’s grace and sustenance, and we are thankful for the very small yet miraculous signs of God’s complete healing upon his life day by day. We are blessed and physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally upheld through the legions of prayer warriors praying for our family.
We hope to keep you updated as best as possible, but admit that the majority of all our time is spent in the hospital room with Reagan. Hopefully through the amazing network of family and friends, updates and progress will be shared.
I looked back on my day and what seemed to be just an awful tiring retched day, looked more like a day where i am still living for God. I am so ashamed of my attitude and my childish ways. I feel so bad for the way I have acted, and treated this day like i was the one who created it. Please pray for Regan, he's well... in need. This whole situation seems quite unfair and actually frustrating. But i am so thankful to God that he is alive and recovering. I pray he can still graduate with me, because we were both looking forward to it! God forgive me today for all of my short comings. I love you Lord. Protect Regan.
I come home from having a long day, starting with a class of 18 months to 1 year old babies running around and playing, finished after the parents come to pick up their kids. I drive my tired body to math class where i have to take a test, understanding what seemed to be NOTHING. After the test that made me down about not learning well enough i go to the bank and do some things i had to get done. Say bye to my best friend, no hug, no smile, just an i love you and i walk out the door. Driving home once again my tiered body, walking up stairs balancing a pile of stuff against my body into my room my mom yells from the other room, "Sheena come here, read this please." I yell back with a attitude in my tone of voice saying, "What? I'm trying to put my stuff down." After settling myself down, i walk into where the computer is and my mom doesn't look at me, just hands me a paper saying, "Read this." I pick it up and walk back down stairs and sit on the couch. I start it...
“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord….”
As many of you dear family and friends have heard, Reagan was involved in a severe motor vehicle accident on April 15th. He made a solo camping trip to the cooler Arizona north country for a couple of days. He was on his way home around 11:30am after stopping to take one last picture, when he says he hit some loose gravel and started to slide. He thought he had it under control, when he says he “hit something” and lost it. His vehicle rolled numerous times ejecting him. Reagan was spotted and found by the abundant grace of God shortly after. The exact time frame is a little unclear, as Reagan was by himself and did loose consciousness at the scene. The location and terrain where he was camping was remote and not a highly traveled path by many. The first responders found him some distance from the road down an embankment of some kind and immediately sent the call for help.
Assembled medical teams began a spinal drip a soon as they arrived, which saved Reagan’s life. Because Reagan was ejected from the vehicle and stating that he could not feel or move his legs, a spinal cord injury was immediately suspected and feared. The spinal drip was started to promote and support the normal movement and flow of spinal fluids if injuries suffered had interrupted or damaged the spinal cord in any way. Spinal injuries are life-threatening, extremely time sensitive, and incredibly complex to accurately treat without inducing any further damage or even death.
Reagan was air-evacuated to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital’s trauma unit, where God had hand selected and prepared the brightest surgical and medical minds in the nation to quickly provide their neurological and surgical expertise to sustain Reagan’s life. MRI’s and CAT-Scans were immediately done to miraculously rule out any internal bleeding, brain injuries, or head trauma. Reagan’s MRI and CAT-Scan results did show massive injury and trauma to the T12 vertebra of his spinal column, resulting in the paralysis of Reagan’s lower limbs.
The spinal column is composed of three primary sections. There are seven cervical discs (C1-C7), twelve thoracic vertebra (T1-T12), and five lumbar discs (L1-L5), with adjoining sacral discs (commonly referred to as the tail bone). The cervical vertebra (neck bones) support the base of the skull and cranial structure and continue to give form and structure to the neck musculature. The thoracic vertebra directly follows the cervical discs to provide the most extensive back support. Reagan’s injury occurred at the last thoracic vertebra (T12), which is just slighter lower than the mid back region. The spinal vertebra’s job is to surround and protect the spinal cord. In Reagan’s case, T12 was shattered and pushed into his spinal cord, occluding 85% of the neural and spinal fluid functioning. It is an absolute miracle the spinal cord was not severed completely. Due to the severe spinal cord occlusion, Reagan is paralyzed from the waist down.
“…..plans to prosper you and not to harm you……”
Reagan underwent two rounds of surgery; one to remove T12 and insert a titanium cage that mimics a vertebral disc, and the second to stabilize this cage with the usage of screws and several inch-long rods spanning the length of four discs, adding strength to the spinal column. Dr. Nicholas Theodore was the leading surgeon operating on Reagan, who is nationally recognized for his neurological expertise and surgical methodology. According to Dr. Theodore, both surgeries went incredibly well, and have enabled Reagan to heal without the use of spinal bracing devices.
Currently, Reagan is in tremendous pain. Spinal drainage devices are still in place post-operatively, which have definitely increased his incredible discomfort and pain. If all goes well, the draining devices should be able to be removed by tomorrow. Reagan is able to make slight leg movements (so minimal they are hard to see at times), and has extreme numbness, tingling, and skin sensitivities to the slightest of touches in his legs. He has said numerous times that his feet “feel dead,” but has had encouraging progress in regaining leg sensation off and on.
“…….plans for a future and a bright hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
There is definitely a long and hard road ahead of Reagan. There are no guarantees as to how long or what Reagan’s limitations will be, but we are prayerfully hopeful Reagan will walk again someday. He will remain in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for the next several days to closely monitor any changes, but will begin rigorous rehabilitation as quickly as possible if all goes as planned. The neurological surgery team is currently putting together a team of physical and occupational therapists that will direct, guide, and encourage Reagan along his rehabilitation way. For now, we are thankful for Reagan’s life. We are thankful for God’s grace and sustenance, and we are thankful for the very small yet miraculous signs of God’s complete healing upon his life day by day. We are blessed and physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally upheld through the legions of prayer warriors praying for our family.
We hope to keep you updated as best as possible, but admit that the majority of all our time is spent in the hospital room with Reagan. Hopefully through the amazing network of family and friends, updates and progress will be shared.
I looked back on my day and what seemed to be just an awful tiring retched day, looked more like a day where i am still living for God. I am so ashamed of my attitude and my childish ways. I feel so bad for the way I have acted, and treated this day like i was the one who created it. Please pray for Regan, he's well... in need. This whole situation seems quite unfair and actually frustrating. But i am so thankful to God that he is alive and recovering. I pray he can still graduate with me, because we were both looking forward to it! God forgive me today for all of my short comings. I love you Lord. Protect Regan.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Being Tested?
God is always somehow testing everything we do. But lately, I’ve actually been noticing it. He has been testing me with my character to love to be patient, with sensitivity, caring, selflessness, and some I don't know yet.
I have noticed through my actions and reactions to things, that i do not love as much as I could. Patients is constantly disappearing from my attitude, and it is honestly unfortunate . Sensitivity... Well, often times I feel as though I am too sensitive to things. I will cry about allot of things people wouldn't be affected by normally. (Ask Brittany and Braverijah)But, I suppose that's how God made me, I just feel to sensitive to my surroundings at times.
Caring, that's something I try to obtain and fail, constantly and will continuously fail at. But never the less, I have been working at it. Selflessness is another very very weak point. I am always being selfish, I can't think of a day where i am not wanting things to satisfy my flesh, or not giving of myself enough.
God will always work on those things, (to name a few) and i am thankful that he is willing to take time and care for me.
Push me Lord until I break.
I have noticed through my actions and reactions to things, that i do not love as much as I could. Patients is constantly disappearing from my attitude, and it is honestly unfortunate . Sensitivity... Well, often times I feel as though I am too sensitive to things. I will cry about allot of things people wouldn't be affected by normally. (Ask Brittany and Braverijah)But, I suppose that's how God made me, I just feel to sensitive to my surroundings at times.
Caring, that's something I try to obtain and fail, constantly and will continuously fail at. But never the less, I have been working at it. Selflessness is another very very weak point. I am always being selfish, I can't think of a day where i am not wanting things to satisfy my flesh, or not giving of myself enough.
God will always work on those things, (to name a few) and i am thankful that he is willing to take time and care for me.
Push me Lord until I break.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
He always Knows
God know's the perfect people to put in my life to make me always think about Him.
It's either how thankful i am to Him for the people in my life, or how he knows just the type of people to make me grow and mature.
He's always watching over me.
It gives me such a calming feeling.
God thank you for each and every life you have so graciously placed in my life.
It's either how thankful i am to Him for the people in my life, or how he knows just the type of people to make me grow and mature.
He's always watching over me.
It gives me such a calming feeling.
God thank you for each and every life you have so graciously placed in my life.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
He's An Amzing Artist
I had just dropped Tucker off at his house after he so kindly came with me and a little girl i was babysitting to her swim lessons. (He is such a blessing) I left the community where he lives and started down the hill back to my house with 6 year old Anna in the back seat. I was thinking so much i hardly noticed my surrounding when suddenly my mind went clear and i glanced toward the sky for only a second and i was totally inspired. There right in front of me, a perfectly painted sky radiating it's beauty over me. I stop in the middle of the street (First making sure no cars were coming!!) and i took a picture-

He is such an amazing God to have planned that sky so many years ago and know that i would be driving down the hill from Tuckers house and realize what an amazing artist God is. He is just so powerful, i keep falling in love with him. I adore you!
Thank you for the little glimpse of your Grace, Love, and Strength!
Your Child-

He is such an amazing God to have planned that sky so many years ago and know that i would be driving down the hill from Tuckers house and realize what an amazing artist God is. He is just so powerful, i keep falling in love with him. I adore you!
Thank you for the little glimpse of your Grace, Love, and Strength!
Your Child-
Friday, April 6, 2007
There was something Inside Her.
I saw her in the corner of the shed, her straight brown hair pulled back into a tight bun, shaping her slender face. Her knees where bent into her face, her frail looking hands grasped on her weathered jeans. Her bare feet showed her chipped red nail polish, the brightest thing you could see in the low lit shed. She was pale, pure white she was not okay. I saw a tear drip down her face one after another. She was crying, i couldn't tell why, i didn't want to ask, and she spoke not a single word. She was just crying. She gave off a sense of fear, I'm not sure if it was me personally scared, or if it was truly a feeling she was giving off. Going into the shed i walked a bit closer, her blood shot eyes and freckled face looked up at me as she struggled to say what was wrong. She stumbled over the first words that came out, she said, "I-I-I-I nnneed, helllp." That alone made her fall apart again, now she crying more then before. I went to touch her back to try and show her the least amount of comfort as i could. But as she saw my hand coming she flinched, it seemed as though she thought i was going to hit her. I was speechless, i didn't know how to respond to that, someone thought i would hit them, the guilt that rushed over my body was almost serial. I felt that i couldn't say anything to comfort her, and she obviously was scared to be touched. Thoughts raced back and forth in my head, i don't understand what is wrong, i said over and over in my mind. What happened to this poor girl, WHAT HAPPENED? My eyes welled up with tears, i was helpless, i was worthless at that second in time, i couldn't help, she couldn't speak, we were both now crying. I sat to the right of her, close enough so she could feel the worth of my body giving her peace that I'm there without saying or physically doing anything to calm her. It was about ten minutes before she could say anything again, she turned her head slowly to the right as she released her tight grip from her jeans to wipe her eyes, she talked again, but this time she told me.
Monday, April 2, 2007
The True Test of Time

I see you walk in the room, your presence makes me still, I'm overwhelmed with contentment it is hard to reveal. Be patient with me please because I'm learning how to mature, i want to be there for you but I'm just not to sure. I'm willing to wait to see what the Lord has at hand, but it's so hard when Satan tries to ruin his plan. My sin gets in the way of things, and i admit it can take control, it will leave me dry and with more of an empty soul. I want you in my future, i want it if it's His will, i would love you by my side even if we're both completely still. Something about you, i haven't figured out, but there is something in you i love with out a doubt. I smile when i think of how cute you are to me, it shows me how blessed i am and it hasn't been just recently. I can see you grow in God, i know you love him dear, if we just put him first we will have absolutely nothing to fear!
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