VALENTINES DAYS! For some those are cuss words, others it's another excuse to remember and express their feelings to their boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé or husband/wife! Through all the years of despising this "holiday" I have finally come to enjoy February 14th. Not because its a day of roses, chocolates and soppy romances, but because it reminds me to always love, and unconditionally. Before you start thinking - "Oh here she goes, it's about to get all girly and emotional," let me stop you in your tracks!
Personally, I love loving people! I am passionate about the people I know, and the people I have yet to call friends. I have been reflecting on this upcoming valentines day because it is hard for a lot of girls and guys that I know. Dictionary.com defines love as:
love Spelled [luhv]
1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
Can I say, coming from a very single girl, singleness is awesome, if you learn how to work it! I look at it like this - More time for God and more time for whatever else I like! How is that not awesome?! So if you are single this year on February 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and yes the 14th, just take a second to stop and know that singleness can be a blessing if you stop looking at it as a curse. So my challenge to you this lovely holiday is to find joy in a new day to live and love. If you see a happy couple, don't make gag reflex gestures and roll your eyes, instead appreciate every happy couple. It's okay to be thankful for what someone else has, it is okay to let your walls down and feel the longing and the desire to have a healthy and happy relationship one day! You are NOT crazy for feeling lonely at times and maybe feeling desperate for a romantic relationship. But let me just remind you, God has written the most romantic story of His love for us, His desire to know everything about us. Our secrets, favorite coffee shop, wildest dreams and biggest fears. God died on a cross for me, just to save me from eternal suffering. I now have hope and freedom because of my God! So until you find someone who is literally willing to lay their life down for you, stick with the One who has already provided you with the reassurance that He loves you.
Flowers will never define your worth or even come close to your beauty, no matter how many dozens of roses you get
Chocolates will not ever be as sweet as the love you are deserving of - even if they are the finest truffles, you will still be finer!
A card can not be written with enough classy words to even come close to your note-worthy life, Hallmark's got nothin of you!
A 5 star dinner is nothing compared to the God who put the stars in the sky for you
Lastly, why do people insist on calling Valentines day being the, "National Single Awareness Day"? I agree that it should be a day to be aware, but not just about your singleness. Although Christmas is the one day that has the most suicides of all holidays, Valentines day is right up there. & people are killing themselves, FOR WHAT?! The "great" marketing techniques of business men and women, and the fabulous job their doing by telling the world that singleness is bad. It is nothing to beat yourself up about.
Be single and appreciate it!XOXOI give everything over to You Lord