I was talking to my dad about some photography stuff and my sister walked over with the popcorn that had just got out of the microwave. She so kindly puts up to my arm and opens it saying, "CHU-CHU." I kind of got man because she steam burned my arm. Ha. It hurt. Later that night she took my out for an ice cream. $1.72. Two hot fudge Sundays! Thank you Rae
I give everything over to you Lord
Taking the time to write out my inspirations, to encourage others through my words & to be transparent about real challenges I face. I will write about the days that don't seem note-worthy because I want to always see beauty in the ordinary. I find myself in a new adventure everyday and it is here that I attempt to put it into words. Enjoy!
Monday, June 30, 2008
It's been a few day's since I've written. Busy I guess. I was dog sitting for a family friend at my church and I didn't have much time between that and work. Everything has been good! What's new, what's new?? My car is FIXED!! I have been practicing how I'm going to be taking pictures for my cousins wedding in 10 days. That really came fast. I'm so excited to see all my family, and capture all of the precocious moments. I am done taking care of those two cute little boys, and I was paid more then I could have asked for. I'm thankful. I don't have all to much to write about, but I finished up my Philippians study, my youth pastor is reading over my notes about it, and I am just working hard for summer camp coming up. I have to do some timely things. Building the art stuff. ANYWAY. Yes, there is not all that much new. I am blessed, and I am learned.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Today. I had my day planned. Morning to night, and I had to laugh when things didn't go as planned. I got up, cleaned up my room, got coffee, went to Sumit Yoga to apply for a job, and home again I went. CHECK! Those things I had planned, and I got them done. The night went a little different. I have been hanging out with this sweet girl Brittany, and she recently just accepted Christ into her life. As in recent I mean last night at youth group. I'm so proud of her. Tonight we wanted to shop a little and go to a college group with some other girls.... NOPE! Brittany and I got the shopping done, and I got some great steals, but when we went back to my car, it was a different story. (Yes, my car was still there) We hopped in, and to my WONDERFUL surprise I couldn't move my steering wheel. At least not enough for me to actually drive home. BUT. BUT. BUT. My WONDERFUL mother had just gotten AAA a few months ago! While Brittany and I waited for the tow truck to come, we grab some food and eat it on the side of the parking garage. Humorous to see, I'm sure! My other friend Brittany came to our 'rescue' and picked us up. We waited an hour and 10 min, but the nice tow truck man came and brought my car safely home. Where it will be towed to the shop tomorrow. Go Sheena! As Brittany, Brittany, and I drove around, listening to Lil Wayne, we still laugh and had fun. We didn't end up grabbing coffee with the girls we had planned to hang out with, and as a matter of fact, we didn't even get to college group. There was a reason my car wouldn't turn, there is a reason it took the nice tow truck man an hour and ten minutes to get there. I'm sure God was protecting us. Maybe from getting in a car wreck on the way to college group, or possibly we he wanted just us three girls to bond, and relax. I don't have the answer, but God thank you, for taking care of us every step of the way.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
It's Final
I am FINALLY OUT. Out of my weird, slightly depressing moodiness lately, and it feel's wonderful. I have been released of the things I have been battling and I won. God helped me win.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Today has been a good day so far. Simple. But good. I worked for 6 hours with morning, and I came home and relaxed by the pool. Called Josh. Got changed and now I'm headed to go work out.
I give eveything over to you Lord.
I give eveything over to you Lord.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Fancy This
I am writing again. Knowing fair well that I have written four other times than this. JUST TODAY.
I can't help it.
Writing is all I got.
Just took a shower, hoping I can wash everything else down the drain.
Didn't work. Now. I'm wet. Tired. Helpless.
Pardon me.
Not helpless, but feeling HopeLESS.
Believe it.
Shake my world God.
Shake my heart.
I give everything over to you Lord
I can't help it.
Writing is all I got.
Just took a shower, hoping I can wash everything else down the drain.
Didn't work. Now. I'm wet. Tired. Helpless.
Pardon me.
Not helpless, but feeling HopeLESS.
Believe it.
Shake my world God.
Shake my heart.
I give everything over to you Lord
God's Army
So I re-read the "Strive A Little" Blog and I realized, I just said, I was taking control. I was bold and beautiful. I . I . I .
Did you hear me mention God?
I'm sorry for being selfish if you read my previous Blog.
I'm embarrassed.
I give everything over to you Lord
Did you hear me mention God?
I'm sorry for being selfish if you read my previous Blog.
I'm embarrassed.
I give everything over to you Lord
Strive a Little
It was the empty text messages, that meant nothing but, your simply a liar. I have to force myself out of this mess. I can't believe, I'm in such a dry patch. Hard to believe, that I, me... can't get rid of this. I am taking control. Did you hear that? I am taking control. Or else I will fade quick into what the world wants from me. The ugly stuff. I am Sheena. I stand for God. I walk around with a certain presence, that people desire, and some people don't. I laugh at what's funny, not what I'm told to laugh at. I am bold, and I am beautiful. I am not arrogant I just know where I stand. You can trust me, be open. I am the description of striving. Right?
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
So I watched these two boys today... All day. And I was reminded of how much I am thankful for my own mom.
I give everything over to you Lord
How Far Do I Have To Go
I find myself trying to shake the idea that I'm by myself in this world.
I am trying to force myself out of this, wreck I've fallen into. Accidently. The one that leaves you high and dry. More of the ladder rather than the former. But it continues, my days of continuous desires to sleep my, seemingly insignificant life away. Then I went to church this morning, beautifully awaking. I can't go through details right now, 12:31pm, just doesn't seem like the right time. What I do know is, that I am trying to fight. Through every trial thrown directly at my life. Me. I need to still work on me. Like always. I danced Friday night. In front of around 2 to 3 hundred people. Scary. I love the feeling I get when I'm about to walk up and perform, the one that tells me to run the other way. My feet are so firmly planted I could never actually leave. It was good, I was the only girl, battling against all, really good, guys. I was proud that I even got up there. I had nothing to lose. I guess same with life. I have nothing to lose. Saturday? I didn't work, found myself sleeping in, AGAIN. I laid out with two very sweet women, and we laughed and talked, it was needed. I had a surprise party to attend for my sisters boyfriend. It was fun. My sister-in-law Allison and I left around 9:30pm and went out with these two boys from my school. I've missed them. Haben and Ronnie. Came home at 1:34pm, we were tired. And NOW. Today's Sunday, and I'm slowly creeping back into my week. It shouldn't be to stressful, thankfully. I have not much more to say, but I want to slip out of this slump. The one that's held over my head. To be completely honest, I feel like I did something wrong, bad, and it's weighing over my shoulders. But I didn't. Not deliberately wrong. Sure I sin everyday, but it seems bigger then that. I guess I'm glad I can reassure myself I didn't do anything really wrong. I don't want to feel worse than this. I am so emotional lately, I'm not usually like this. Up and down. Up and down. What is it? I'm finding every reason to be gone. I leave without telling anyone, my parents get frustrated with me. I've been uptight. Up and down. Up and down. What is it?
I give everything over to you Lord
I am trying to force myself out of this, wreck I've fallen into. Accidently. The one that leaves you high and dry. More of the ladder rather than the former. But it continues, my days of continuous desires to sleep my, seemingly insignificant life away. Then I went to church this morning, beautifully awaking. I can't go through details right now, 12:31pm, just doesn't seem like the right time. What I do know is, that I am trying to fight. Through every trial thrown directly at my life. Me. I need to still work on me. Like always. I danced Friday night. In front of around 2 to 3 hundred people. Scary. I love the feeling I get when I'm about to walk up and perform, the one that tells me to run the other way. My feet are so firmly planted I could never actually leave. It was good, I was the only girl, battling against all, really good, guys. I was proud that I even got up there. I had nothing to lose. I guess same with life. I have nothing to lose. Saturday? I didn't work, found myself sleeping in, AGAIN. I laid out with two very sweet women, and we laughed and talked, it was needed. I had a surprise party to attend for my sisters boyfriend. It was fun. My sister-in-law Allison and I left around 9:30pm and went out with these two boys from my school. I've missed them. Haben and Ronnie. Came home at 1:34pm, we were tired. And NOW. Today's Sunday, and I'm slowly creeping back into my week. It shouldn't be to stressful, thankfully. I have not much more to say, but I want to slip out of this slump. The one that's held over my head. To be completely honest, I feel like I did something wrong, bad, and it's weighing over my shoulders. But I didn't. Not deliberately wrong. Sure I sin everyday, but it seems bigger then that. I guess I'm glad I can reassure myself I didn't do anything really wrong. I don't want to feel worse than this. I am so emotional lately, I'm not usually like this. Up and down. Up and down. What is it? I'm finding every reason to be gone. I leave without telling anyone, my parents get frustrated with me. I've been uptight. Up and down. Up and down. What is it?
I give everything over to you Lord
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Mrs. Worrier
Our hands clench together my heart beats faster, his cheek rubs mine, and eye's close with anticipation, he kisses my forehead and everything turns out to be okay.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Friday, June 20, 2008
I'm Quite All Right
It is Friday.
I don't know where my week went. I found myself trying to get by. Try to get through work, so I can get home and sleep.
All I have wanted to do is sleep. I have wanted to swallow myself hole and not wake up- for a second. I'm up. Seeing myself trying to get by once again. My room has clothes on the floor. My car, I cleaned it. Me? I Need improvement. I got up this morning at 11:23. Went down stairs, ate. Laid on the couch and I was out. It is 4:29 now. All I want to do is sleep. I'm going out tonight. Exciting right? Sure. I am going dancing... there is supposed to be some amazing dance off's that I really don't want to miss. I want to sleep right now, I'm tired. Or maybe I'm just sick and tired. Sick and Tired. "Who will love me for me, not for what I've done or what I will become." That's the song that echo's in my head. I am in my blue and white stripped skirt, and my white shirt. My hands are weak, my face looks different to me, who is it? My white socks are the only things I approve in this thoughtless room. "I will love you for you." The song plays on. Why do the things that hurt me, the ones that will leave scares, inspire me? It's so permanent. I need something permanent right now. I burned all the ropes that will connect me to some kind of security, and now I'm left with a foggy perception of everything. Everyone. And I laugh now, to think that there is, "No benefit in talking to me." I laugh again. Thank you. Has anyone told you, you hurt? "I will love you for you, not for what you have done, or what you will become." Don't worry. I'm quite all right.
I give everything over to you Lord
I don't know where my week went. I found myself trying to get by. Try to get through work, so I can get home and sleep.
All I have wanted to do is sleep. I have wanted to swallow myself hole and not wake up- for a second. I'm up. Seeing myself trying to get by once again. My room has clothes on the floor. My car, I cleaned it. Me? I Need improvement. I got up this morning at 11:23. Went down stairs, ate. Laid on the couch and I was out. It is 4:29 now. All I want to do is sleep. I'm going out tonight. Exciting right? Sure. I am going dancing... there is supposed to be some amazing dance off's that I really don't want to miss. I want to sleep right now, I'm tired. Or maybe I'm just sick and tired. Sick and Tired. "Who will love me for me, not for what I've done or what I will become." That's the song that echo's in my head. I am in my blue and white stripped skirt, and my white shirt. My hands are weak, my face looks different to me, who is it? My white socks are the only things I approve in this thoughtless room. "I will love you for you." The song plays on. Why do the things that hurt me, the ones that will leave scares, inspire me? It's so permanent. I need something permanent right now. I burned all the ropes that will connect me to some kind of security, and now I'm left with a foggy perception of everything. Everyone. And I laugh now, to think that there is, "No benefit in talking to me." I laugh again. Thank you. Has anyone told you, you hurt? "I will love you for you, not for what you have done, or what you will become." Don't worry. I'm quite all right.
I give everything over to you Lord
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I was told to dream big.
If I told someone my dream and they didn't laugh, I was said I needed to dream bigger.
Then I thought again, I don't have a huge dream. I have 100's of little dreams, but non that would make someone laugh.
I want to learn how to dream big. Well, not learn, but actually do it.
I give everything over to you Lord
If I told someone my dream and they didn't laugh, I was said I needed to dream bigger.
Then I thought again, I don't have a huge dream. I have 100's of little dreams, but non that would make someone laugh.
I want to learn how to dream big. Well, not learn, but actually do it.
I give everything over to you Lord
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I have been reading and writing on Philippians, well I'm basically down now, but it has been an awesome eye-opener. Seriously, I have let allot of things go from reading this book of the Bible, and I have come to knew and better understandings of life. I have lost more friends than I have gained, and I can still smile and move on with my life. I don't know if you would call it... Not caring, but, I would reassuringly say, I am following the Lords will. Whether it appears that way or not. I am satisfied, but even more so I'm content. Dive into Philippians, even if you have read it before. Go into it with an open mind.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Monday, June 16, 2008
I logged in, but there is nothing to say besides the empty thoughts that haunt my head. Yet I am doing better than you will ever think. I am blessed, I am happy, I am thankful.. You can only see what you choose, the "Problems" I have. I laugh.
I was bugging my mom when I got home and she made me laugh when she said, "Sheena, stop being a pill!"
Then she was walking out the house to run so errands, and said, "Oh my gosh, why does it have to be so freaky hot outside!"
Her expressions crack me up!
Then she was walking out the house to run so errands, and said, "Oh my gosh, why does it have to be so freaky hot outside!"
Her expressions crack me up!
I was sitting in Starbucks reading my bible and these two little boys walked in with their mom. I looked over and one of the little boys leaned to the other and said, "Well maybe if you were rich you could get a wife." I was so sad when I heard this. Although some people might have just laughed, I was taken back. How did this little boy possibly get the idea that money equals marriage, or possible happiness? Parents? Television? Friends?
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
I never felt like I broke the ice with this beautiful girl Madison. She was so deep in what the world expects from us, that I feel like she couldn't get out. I suppose I am being dramatic, but I'm not. I find it very important that I still pray for her, although sometimes I find myself caught up in a million different things. She lives in Canada, so I never get to see her; it makes it harder to be a good example. Prayer seems to be my last resort when it should have been my first.
I give everything over to you Lord
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy? Fathers Day
I won’t ever fully say I love father’s day. Not that I don't love my father, because I truly do, the whole day always feels weird to me though. So, here's how it starts... I picked out a card for my dad, $3.45 cents worth of creativity. I sat down to write in it. The... sentimental, guppy, love stuff. I wanted to be honest so I didn't just say, "Oh dad, you’re amazing, you’re just so great, and I just love you so much." I felt a weird bitterness. I couldn't say it was directly toward my dad, but I knew I was holding something against him. I feel like he has so much to learn, as well as I, but I get so frustrating thinking about all the times he's hurt my mom, or me and my sister. I know these things, according to the world, shouldn't even be brought up on such an important day like this. Then again, I would like to believe that I don't think the way the world does, fortunately. So, stuck in a hard place? I think so. This is kind of what I wrote, "Happy fathers day! I love you so much and I want you to know I'm proud to call you my dad. I can see that you are trying to understand mom and us girls and I am thankful. I love you." I meant every word. From my heart. I still can't seem to shake the idea that I was angered, bitter, frustrated, something, anyone? I can't pin point what I'm feeling about this situation. What I do know is that I am blessed by a father who is trying to become a man of God. Although sometimes I feel like he gives up and just doesn't want to try any more, I see his efforts occasionally. Is that wrong for me to examine him like that? Knowing fair well that I have flaws people can't even beginning to describe? Well. Caught right dead smack in the middle, isn't it wonderful. I will have to think more, but overall, I have an amazing father, that's for sure.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Helthly High
I have energy to dance, hum... 3 hours straight. It feels good. I can't express what dancing does for me. It's my healthy high. I get out stress from my day, meet people who have a passion for dance, and I get to do what I love, and I get to show how God has blessed me. I love to move. I love to dance. Well. Considering It is 2:44am, and I've been up since 5am, I think I am going to crash. Hard! Once again, I have found a healthy high, and it feels good.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hard Work
This is our Lounge area where people can get drink and relax before the service. I made it a more grown up feel, mature. I also believe it came out better then I had hoped for.

This is the BEAUTIFUL girls bathroom! It turned out way better then I ever expected, and the girls fell in love with the design.

This is our ministry corner, where the leaners can pray for the youth. It took a lot of work to finish up this part although it looks very simple. My favorite room is actually this one!

This was a table I made out of news paper and this really cool stuff called glass top. It turned out pretty good!


I give everything over to you Lord
This is the BEAUTIFUL girls bathroom! It turned out way better then I ever expected, and the girls fell in love with the design.
This is our ministry corner, where the leaners can pray for the youth. It took a lot of work to finish up this part although it looks very simple. My favorite room is actually this one!
This was a table I made out of news paper and this really cool stuff called glass top. It turned out pretty good!
I give everything over to you Lord
Good Morning Blog
Today I don't have much planned, I have to go meet my trainer a little later, but besides that, I am free to relax. What a concept! I have been feeling weird lately, like, not myself. I can't pin point it, but I know something is wrong, or different, cause every time I write I feel burdened... That is surely not who I am. I guess today I'm going to spend time reading the Word. I need it. Wednesday when I was at youth group, my pastor Jason said something that stuck with me, hard. He said, "If the devil can't make you bad, he'll keep you busy." I was so touched by that considering I have been kept so busy that I didn't have "TIME" for God. Forgive me Lord. Goodness, I feel really bad about that. Well I will try my best not to keep busy, because I wont let the devil make me bad. I WON'T.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Simple Side
It Is Love
Rise Above And Beat It
He hurt me, yet I shared my cookie with him.
They talked bad about me, and I offered them the other cheek.
He walked in with another girl, and I shook her hand with gladness.
When she yelled at me I thought, her eyes are gorgeous.
He said I wasn't pretty enough but I loved myself through it.
You didn't even leave me with a heart, yet I put yours back together.
He called me, to ask what he should do about his girlfriend problems, and I helped.
I was told no, but I did it.
They said it didn't look good enough, but there is nothing better than perfection.
I was asked to stop being friends with you, I'm so glad I'm your best friend.
They were pointing and laughing at you, I knew cause I was sitting with you.
I was told the club is "bad," but I still go, and I dance clean and good.
I was asked to rise to the occasions and I did it with grace and poise.
I give everything over to you Lord
They talked bad about me, and I offered them the other cheek.
He walked in with another girl, and I shook her hand with gladness.
When she yelled at me I thought, her eyes are gorgeous.
He said I wasn't pretty enough but I loved myself through it.
You didn't even leave me with a heart, yet I put yours back together.
He called me, to ask what he should do about his girlfriend problems, and I helped.
I was told no, but I did it.
They said it didn't look good enough, but there is nothing better than perfection.
I was asked to stop being friends with you, I'm so glad I'm your best friend.
They were pointing and laughing at you, I knew cause I was sitting with you.
I was told the club is "bad," but I still go, and I dance clean and good.
I was asked to rise to the occasions and I did it with grace and poise.
I give everything over to you Lord
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
And so it happend.
Things A]R[E looking brighter!
I have basically finished the youth rooms in my church. I have to say they look very nice. I will have pictures up here soon, to show all the hard work I put into the Kingdom of God. I talked to some girls tonight at youth group and I was pleasantly surprised that the saying is true, "There is more than what meets the eye." I am excited about cleaning things up in my life, and doing the things I've neglected to do because of the chaos at church. I am happy and smiling, and I really do mean it. There is no rhyme or reason to what I'm writing besides the here's and now's of my life. I have to work tomorrow at 5 and I have been home all day today, I'm really bummed. I left the house at 9:30am, and now it is 9:43pm. OUCH. I'm pooped. Tomorrow night I think I’m going to relax. Sleep. Read my Bible. Write. Write. And more write. My arms are covered in paint. My feet and sore and weak. My eyes are heavy and tired. My legs feel like they can't support me. My head feels to big for my body. Then I remember... I accomplished more than I ever expected. Actually, I expected to accomplish allot. Not because I can do everything and get it done, because I can't, but because God was with me, walking me through the procces of finishing everything and that is how I completed everything. Thank you God. I have once again wanted nothing more but for my head to hit the pillow. So I'm off to sleep and dream, to wake and smile, to learn and laugh, to sing and dance, to joke and be serious.
I feel accomplished. I really do.
I give everything over to you Lord.
I have basically finished the youth rooms in my church. I have to say they look very nice. I will have pictures up here soon, to show all the hard work I put into the Kingdom of God. I talked to some girls tonight at youth group and I was pleasantly surprised that the saying is true, "There is more than what meets the eye." I am excited about cleaning things up in my life, and doing the things I've neglected to do because of the chaos at church. I am happy and smiling, and I really do mean it. There is no rhyme or reason to what I'm writing besides the here's and now's of my life. I have to work tomorrow at 5 and I have been home all day today, I'm really bummed. I left the house at 9:30am, and now it is 9:43pm. OUCH. I'm pooped. Tomorrow night I think I’m going to relax. Sleep. Read my Bible. Write. Write. And more write. My arms are covered in paint. My feet and sore and weak. My eyes are heavy and tired. My legs feel like they can't support me. My head feels to big for my body. Then I remember... I accomplished more than I ever expected. Actually, I expected to accomplish allot. Not because I can do everything and get it done, because I can't, but because God was with me, walking me through the procces of finishing everything and that is how I completed everything. Thank you God. I have once again wanted nothing more but for my head to hit the pillow. So I'm off to sleep and dream, to wake and smile, to learn and laugh, to sing and dance, to joke and be serious.
I feel accomplished. I really do.
I give everything over to you Lord.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
As the days seem longer and strength seems lessened.
I am facing the finishing touches on the youth building. The youth building I have literally put blood sweat and tears into. I am so ready to be done, but at the same time, God wants me right where I am. I can feel it. I have been going through so many emotional ups and down's I have neglected to really write anything of value. In case of an emotional break down on my Blog. No good. I am feeling alright, dead tired from all the work I've been doing, but I see myself slowly, very slowly, coming into myself again. I am thankful that I have the capability to work with paint and artsy little things, God blesses me, although I have to work hard at it, he gives me chances to do what I love. I am still trying to be a prime example for people. Although I fail. I keep pushing for greatness. I want to pick out the little things again, that made me so happy like... a week ago. Before the madness at the youth group started. I would be thankful for the littlest things, not that I don't feel the same way, but I am trying to see the little things past the huge task of finishing the youth rooms, planning for youth summer camp, working at 5am every morning, cleaning up my own life, focusing and making time for God, and all the in betweens that I forgot. I didn't mean for this Blog to be so overwhelming and heavy laden with... messy, head aching, tiring, draining thoughts, but it's on my mind, and now it's own my Blog. I need praying to look up, look past, and learn. I am being stretched to my limits. I think? I finally get to sleep in tomorrow morning, and that is about the most exciting thing I have yet to experience today... and this whole week. Aw. I promise, the next Blog wont wear you out. I'll remember to find the little things, and I will share them with you. For now, I only have sleeping on my mind. So good night! How funny, I've never said good night on my Blog.
I give everything over to you Lord
I am facing the finishing touches on the youth building. The youth building I have literally put blood sweat and tears into. I am so ready to be done, but at the same time, God wants me right where I am. I can feel it. I have been going through so many emotional ups and down's I have neglected to really write anything of value. In case of an emotional break down on my Blog. No good. I am feeling alright, dead tired from all the work I've been doing, but I see myself slowly, very slowly, coming into myself again. I am thankful that I have the capability to work with paint and artsy little things, God blesses me, although I have to work hard at it, he gives me chances to do what I love. I am still trying to be a prime example for people. Although I fail. I keep pushing for greatness. I want to pick out the little things again, that made me so happy like... a week ago. Before the madness at the youth group started. I would be thankful for the littlest things, not that I don't feel the same way, but I am trying to see the little things past the huge task of finishing the youth rooms, planning for youth summer camp, working at 5am every morning, cleaning up my own life, focusing and making time for God, and all the in betweens that I forgot. I didn't mean for this Blog to be so overwhelming and heavy laden with... messy, head aching, tiring, draining thoughts, but it's on my mind, and now it's own my Blog. I need praying to look up, look past, and learn. I am being stretched to my limits. I think? I finally get to sleep in tomorrow morning, and that is about the most exciting thing I have yet to experience today... and this whole week. Aw. I promise, the next Blog wont wear you out. I'll remember to find the little things, and I will share them with you. For now, I only have sleeping on my mind. So good night! How funny, I've never said good night on my Blog.
I give everything over to you Lord
Monday, June 9, 2008
Dead to feeling
Nothing can describe what I'm feeling right now.
I am worn out.
Sick to my head.
Stressed out.
Bruised. Literally.
Tired and more tired.
Yet all of those things still don't amount to what I'm feeling.
I am worn out.
Sick to my head.
Stressed out.
Bruised. Literally.
Tired and more tired.
Yet all of those things still don't amount to what I'm feeling.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ephesians 5:3-5
1 Corinthians 6:12
1 Timothy 1:19
philippians 4:8
1 Chorinthians 8:12-13
3 But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. 4 Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. 5 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
1 Corinthians 6:12
12"Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.
1 Timothy 1:19
Having faith and a good conscience, which some rejecting have made shipwreck concerning the faith.
philippians 4:8
8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
1 Chorinthians 8:12-13
2 When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Baby Steps
I want to go back to the baby steps when I didn't know it was a dog eat dog world. Where little girls my size would spill and twirl. I'd like to remember how it felt to have fun, laughing with my friends, eating as many pieces of bubble yum. The stupid stuff is what I lived for, there was no crying no slamming doors no withering away lying on the kitchen floor. I like to say I have come a long way, no more scooters of pick-tail braids. When will I feel it, is it going to kick in, the repercussions of all my sins. Now I know I've felt it, wash right over my face, I have been in the world, yes, I have gotten a little taste. I spit it out powerfully to the ground; overcome some battles, now I'm hearing a different sound. Trust me, I am not kidding around, I have tied my shoelaces and I'm about to hit the town. One more thing, I'm halfway about to drown.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
Match Up
You know when your heart say's yes and your mind say's no.
Or when your mind say's yes and your heart say's no.
That's where I am. Completely and totally.
I want to disown.. wrong word, move on from certain old friends.
Scared, or just honestly sick of being hurt.
Through me a line. Real my heart in. I might stay. I might sin.
I might possibly even give in.
Wrong words now sound right. Impossible doesn't exist in sight.
So I'm sorry for saying I want to move on, I guess I have listened to, to many boy hate songs. I'll stand, and I'll be proud to call you my friend. Yes, yes, yes, I promise my friend till the end.
I give everything over to you Lord
Or when your mind say's yes and your heart say's no.
That's where I am. Completely and totally.
I want to disown.. wrong word, move on from certain old friends.
Scared, or just honestly sick of being hurt.
Through me a line. Real my heart in. I might stay. I might sin.
I might possibly even give in.
Wrong words now sound right. Impossible doesn't exist in sight.
So I'm sorry for saying I want to move on, I guess I have listened to, to many boy hate songs. I'll stand, and I'll be proud to call you my friend. Yes, yes, yes, I promise my friend till the end.
I give everything over to you Lord
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Just Blog
So I talk and I chat and I read and I write and I listen and I speak and I watch and I teach and I grow and I know
Hung out with an old time friend, good to catch up. It is good to stay in touch, it feels good to catch up
I give everything over to you Lord
Hung out with an old time friend, good to catch up. It is good to stay in touch, it feels good to catch up
I give everything over to you Lord
The Trouble With Writing
You sometimes don't have anything else to say in person, because you have worn out, written it out, and talk and thought about everything you could possible think of. Still, when there is no one to talk to, writing starts to look really good. REALLY GOOD. Not because my Blog, The Simple Side, can't talk back, cause I wouldn't mind a little feed back sometime's, but because I know writing will cause a lighter heart, and a smile that's genuinely REAL.
I give everything over to you Lord
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I realized I am always expecting something. I couldn't say always, but most of the time, it's good. I will expect good things from a more than good God. I expect to see people changed in the Lord's name. I have faith and conviction that what I've gone through and what I've managed to overcome will be something I can use to help someone else's life. Good expectations and an even better God. Mmm, that sounds so wonderful to me. I had a big event at the church, keeping me there from 12:30 in the afternoon until 10:35 tonight! Getting food, setting the stage, cleaning, greeting, welcoming. Yeah, and that's the half of it! It was good, and I think there was only one point where I felt overwhelmed. At Costco. When I couldn't exactly maneuver my shopping cart because... I had 5 big cases of water, 5 thirty-two pacts of soda, 5 bags of chips, 5 bags of candy, and a whole lot'a stares.
I don't know where I was going with this Blog, but my friend called in the middle of me writing, asking for relational advice for he and his girlfriend. AND... two hours later, I was too tierd to write. I hardly have random Blog's, talking about, well, anything. Maybe I should write more about the little things. I guess I do in a way! Alright alright alright. I'm at work! Had to finish this Blog though, it was bugging me!
I don't know where I was going with this Blog, but my friend called in the middle of me writing, asking for relational advice for he and his girlfriend. AND... two hours later, I was too tierd to write. I hardly have random Blog's, talking about, well, anything. Maybe I should write more about the little things. I guess I do in a way! Alright alright alright. I'm at work! Had to finish this Blog though, it was bugging me!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I cover the walls of the youth room with newer, brighter paint colors! Symbolizing change, new beginnings, a fresh start, erasing the past, not forgetting what we learned. In a way, I paint over things in my life, mentally of course, underneath the freshly painted yellow there is red, green, blue, purple, black, white, silver, pink, and every other color under the sky. Which, I am proud of, the layers, the learned things; I am all about growth, power of change, the so called 'cliché' stuff! The youth room is not the only thing looking brighter. My days are also looking brighter! Thank you Lord, once again for intervening, sweeping me off my self pity and my lack of thankfulness streak.
I give everything over to you Lord.
Monday, June 2, 2008
I've kept busy, so my mind won't wonder and cause me to hurt. Painting the church. Finally here, and it is going good. Really good actually. Ashley is keeping my busy, well more like, keeping me company. Then I sit to write yet another thoughtful Blog and I'm struck with reality. I felt so strong. Empowered you could even say. But I've lost it. Maybe just for a little, but I've felt like I've been knocked off my horse, pushed off the roof, tripped while running. 'Drama Queen' anyone? Empty. I think that's what it is. I don't want to write a sad Blog, unlike yesterday's, because I have so much to be grateful for. SO MUCH. I am blessed by God in thing's I have still not recognized, I don’t want to take life for granted. Then again, I don’t feel like I have much at the same time. Who am I to judge though. I have to help Ashley clean house before her family comes home. But I was going to lose it, so I had to get it off my mind. Even though while writing I kind of did... Lose it.
I give everything over to you Lord
I give everything over to you Lord
So as my Sunday night felt like it would never end, I called up the ‘Girls.’ Jessica, Allison, Lisa, and Hannah. Yes, those are the ‘Girls.’ We went to a late night showing of SEX AND THE CITY. While the night started off happy, slowly it kicked in. That feeling where you know everything’s okay, but you feel like everything’s going wrong. That one. Weird I know. I feel a sense of loneliness. Again. The empty hole that is filled for only at moments at a time. It’s hard, and incredibly strange that I can smile past the tears. I wouldn’t say tears of pain. Or maybe that’s what it is. I don’t want to say my heart is a little crushed. At the same time, it is. Nothing that can’t be fixed, believe me, I’ve fixed every broken heart I've had. I truly believe anything is possible. I embarked on a new adventure, something I WILL NEVER FORGET. It made me feel excitement, fear, happiness. One thing I do not have is… Regret. I am so glad. I don’t feel like anything can really hold me back. So I sat in the movie, silently thinking about what possibly could happen in my future. As the Sex And The City girls talked and walked with a certain sense of confidence I was reminded. Something, CONFIDENCE, I want to keep having. I know I am picking attributes I want from a secular movie. Confidence is confidence right? I don’t really know anymore. About a lot of stuff, the stuff I was so sure about. That’s okay though. Right? So my phone vibrated in the movie, and I realized I had an expectation of who it’d be. I don’t want to even say disappointment, but at the same time, I couldn’t really say what I felt. My mind is running on little sleep, and my heart is running on old fuel, at least that’s how it feels. The more I write the more I see myself getting depressed. That time of the month? Or am I really feeling depressed? For the last time, I WOULDN’T KNOW HOW I’M FEELING. That’s OKAY though. I know it is. I am so glad I have God’s love. The love that will never go away, Thank God. Literally. I want to embrace the things I have learned and will learn. And to think… All in the new Sex And The City movie!
I give everything over to you Lord.
I give everything over to you Lord.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
And so trying something new isn't bad.
It's new.
Trust, like I said before, isn't bad.
It's trust.
So I'll walk a little taller.
Head a little higher.
Smile a little brighter.
Knowing... Understanding... Desiring...
I am still excited.
Thank you.
I give everything over to you Lord
It's new.
Trust, like I said before, isn't bad.
It's trust.
So I'll walk a little taller.
Head a little higher.
Smile a little brighter.
Knowing... Understanding... Desiring...
I am still excited.
Thank you.
I give everything over to you Lord
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